Adapted Kinesiology
An overview of various disabling conditions, laws that apply to persons with disabilities, and methods of adapting physical activities and sports so that all individuals, regardless of ability or disability, may enjoy and benefit from them. Moreover,...
Behavioral Management for theInclusive Classroom
This course focuses on research-based strategies designed to create positive learning environments for students with special needs. Topics include creating positive interpersonal relationships in the classroom, increasing student motivation and learn...
Legal & Ethical Framework for Sped
The purpose of this course is to interpret and apply current special education in policies and laws. Teacher candidates will develop skills to be professional and ethical leaders.
Foundations of Teaching
This course is an introductory course in education that will explore the requirements for becoming a certified teacher in Texas. Through this study, teacher candidates in this class will be expected to confirm that they are well-suited for entering t...
Mathematics for Learners WithSpecial Needs
This course will provide candidates with knowledge of instructional methods and strategies for teaching mathematics to students with special needs. Candidates will explore research, resources, and best practices in mathematics instruction to yield me...
Literacy for Learners With Special Needs
This course focuses on literacy instruction for students with special needs. Candidates will understand assessment and its role in identifying and improving reading difficulties in special needs learners.
Classroom Assessment for LearnersWith Special Needs
This course will provide teacher candidates the knowledge needed to assess students with special needs. Practical applications of assessment results for students with disabilities will be addressed. Candidates will gain skills in designing, administe...
TExES Content EC-12 Special Education
This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the National Evaluation...
Introduction to the Exceptional Learners
Learning styles and effective teaching strategies for exceptional learners using the application of research on identification, assessment, teaching, and technology for the full range of exceptional learners from learning different to gifted-and-tal...
Instructional Technology for StudentsWith Special Needs
This course will integrate instructional and assistive technology into all content areas for students with disabilities to enhance teaching and learning. This course will utilize the International Society for Technology Standards.
The Inclusive Classroom
This course includes the identification of the principles and models of inclusion, best practices for inclusive settings, supports such as accommodations, differentiated instruction and universally designed learning to allow students with disabilitie...
Severe Behavioral Challenges
This course will focus on preparing teacher candidates best practices in addressing students with severe behavior challenges. In addition, teacher candidates will focus on research based strategies designed to create positive learning environments fo...
Teaching Students With SevereDisabilities
This course will address the characteristics of students with severe disabilities. Teacher candidates will acquire the skills to adapt, modify, and deliver grade level instruction in the academic content and appropriate functional skills content for...
Teaching Students With High-IncidenceDisabilities
This course will address the definition and characteristics of students with high-incidence disabilities. Teacher candidates will explore research, resources, and recommended practices across the content areas that yield high expectations and meaning...
Pedagogy of Special Education
This course addresses effective methods and practices for teaching students with disabilities to include learner characteristics, learner needs, and the delivery of instructional strategies, resources, and supports to ensure student success.
Legal, Procedural, and Program PracticesIn Special Education
This course examines the identification, assessment and instruction of students with special needs. Emphasis will be placed on the presentation of special education roles, placement alternatives, legal implications, current status and trends in speci...
Clinical Experiences in CorrectingReading Difficulties
This is a course that gives teacher candidates the opportunity to work with public school students who have reading difficulties. The teacher candidate will, with the diagnostic tools learned in READ 4330 Recognizing and Instructing Struggling Reader...
Introduction to Exceptional Learners
Learning styles and effective teaching strategies for exceptional learners using the application of research on identification, assessment, teaching, and technology of the full range of exceptional learners including disabled and gifted-and-talented...
Introduction to Exceptional LearnersAnd Montessori Foundations
This course focuses on the Medical-Scientific Montessori philosophy and methods used in inclusion classrooms. Knowledge of the Montessori methodology and how it is applied to children with various disabilities, as well as the typically developing chi...
Pedagogy of Special Education
This course addresses effective methods and practices for teaching students with disabilities to include learner characteristics, learner needs and the delivery of instructional strategies, resources and supports to ensure student success. This 5000-...
Legal, Procedural and Program PracticesSpecial Education
This course examines the identification, assessment, and instruction of students with special needs. Emphasis will be placed on the presentation of special education roles, placement alternatives, legal implications, current status, and trends in spe...
Clinical Experience CorrectingReading Difficulties
Directed experience in diagnosing and correcting reading problems of the individual child through field experience. This course contains a field-based service-learning component. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level course and inc...
Studies in the Diagnosing andClinical Correction of ReadingDifficulties
An intensive study of the scientific-based diagnostic and prescriptive techniques, utilizing best practices to identify specific strategies for enhancing the acquisition of reading skills. Directed field experience in diagnosing and correcting target...
Educating Students With EmotionalAnd Behavioral Disabilities
This course addresses current research and best practices for supporting students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on identification, a continuum of supports, positive behavioral interventions, and effective instruc...
Independent Study in Special Educaction
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
Defense of Degree
Because of Dallas Baptist University's quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. The defense of degree is a capstone collection of signature assessments and...
Educational Diagnostician Seminar
This course is designed to assist students in preparing for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards(TExES), for State Educational Diagnostician Certification distributed by Pearson Testing Service and the Texas Education Agency. The course will f...
Current Trends in Special Education
This course will provide students a study of the contemporary and controversial issues within the field of special education. The course will contrast historical perspectives with current best practices, legal issues, and current controversies in the...
Comprehensive Assessments
This course will cover the core competencies in the area of special education assessment. The course will focus on the theory, problems, ethical standards, and techniques of administering individual tests of intelligence. Students will develop profic...
Supervision of Special EducationInstruction
This course provides a study of philosophical foundations, principles, and practices of effective special education supervision in public schools. Attention is given to the supervisory methods used to improve specialized instruction at all grade leve...
ARD Facilitator Practicum
This course focuses on opportunities for learners to use the knowledge, understanding, and skills in the field of special education with emphasis on Admission Review and Dismissal facilitation. This course provides the framework for effective communi...