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Doctoral Academic Appeal Procedure

In order to ensure an appeal process that is fair and timely to all parties involved, the following procedure is in place for academic appeals.

a.     If the student wishes to file a formal concern regarding classroom procedure, the process starts with step 1 below.

b.     If a student wishes to raise grounds for challenging a specific academic policy of the Program or University, not the resolution of an academic matter with a faculty member or other responsible person, the appeals process begins with step 2 below.

Upon receipt of a formal written appeal, the procedure below will be followed:

1.     The student should schedule a conference with the faculty member (or other individual directly responsible) within 14 calendar days after the posting of grades. The faculty member (or other individual) may resolve the problem at that point.

2.     If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, he/she may submit a written appeal to the appropriate Program Director. If the appeal involves a classroom procedure the written appeal must be submitted within seven calendar days of the conference with the faculty member (or other individual).

3.     The Program Director shall schedule a conference with the student and/or other involved persons within seven calendar days of receiving the appeal from the student.

4.     The Program Director shall notify all parties in writing of his/her decision within seven calendar days after the conference.

5.     If the student believes the decision of the Program Director is unwarranted, he/she may appeal to the appropriate Dean in writing within seven calendar days after receipt of the decision of the Program Director. The appropriate Dean is identified as:

a.     PHD student appeals to the Dean of the Cook School of Leadership

b.     EDD student appeals to the Dean of the Cook School of Leadership

c.      EDD K-12 student appeals to the Dean of the College of Education

Note: If one person serves as both the Program Director and the Dean, the appeal process should proceed directly to Step 8.

6.     The Dean shall establish a meeting date for the purpose of hearing the appeal. All parties involved shall be notified of the meeting date at which the appeal will be heard and given the opportunity to be present.

7.     The Dean shall notify all parties in writing of its decision within seven calendar days.

8.     If the student believes the decision of the Dean is unwarranted, he/she may appeal to the appropriate Committee in writing within seven calendar days after receipt of the decision of the Dean. The appropriate Committee is identified as:

a.     PHD student appeals to the Cook School of Leadership Doctoral Steering Committee

b.     EDD student appeals to the Cook School of Leadership Doctoral Steering Committee

c.      EDD K-12 student appeals to the EDD K-12 Committee

Note: If the Dean also serves as a member of the appropriate Committee, the Dean shall not have a vote on the appeal before the Committee.

9.     The Committee shall establish a meeting date for the purpose of hearing appeals. All parties involved shall be notified of the meeting date at which the appeal will be heard and given the opportunity to be present.

10.   The appropriate Committee shall notify all parties in writing of its decision within seven calendar days.

11.   If a student believes the decision of the Committee is unwarranted, he/she may appeal to Provost in writing within seven calendar days after receipt of the decision of the appropriate Committee.

12.   If requested, the Provost shall schedule a conference with the student and/or other involved parties to be held within 14 calendar days of the receipt of the student's appeal.

13.   The Provost shall notify all parties in writing of his/her decision within 14 calendar days after the conference.

Note: The Doctoral Academic Appeal Procedure is an internal academic process of the University and legal counsel may not participate in any conference or hearing.