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Christian Studies

CHST 3301 (3-3-0) Survey of Christian Education

This course is an overview of Christian education including foundations, history, components, and leadership. Emphasis is placed upon the development of Christian education as a vocation.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Online.

CHST 3309 (3-3-0) Spiritual Formation for Christian Ministry

The course is designed to overview the student’s resources for spiritual growth and examine various methods of discipleship, including Bible study, prayer, and scripture memorization. The student will learn to nurture interdependent spirituality within the context of our contemporary culture.

Requisites: RELI 1301 and 1302.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online. 

CHST 3372 (3-3-0) Church Administration

A study of the principles, structure, and function of church administration. Students will be exposed to methods for administering personnel, financial, and physical resources of the church, as well as various aspects of church governance and planning.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Online.

CHST 4301 (3-3-0) Teaching Ministry of the Church

(MALA 5358)

This course is a study of the biblical basis, curriculum development, educational principles, and instructional methods of the teaching ministry of the local church. Emphasis is on preschool, children, youth, and adult groups.

Requisites: CHST 3301.

Offered: Spring, Online.

CHST 4302 (3-1-2) Practicum in Christian Studies (S-L)

(INCS 4302; RELI 3382)

Internship training program to be supervised by a professor and an official in the local church or church-related institution. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: CHST 3301 and Christian Studies major or minor, junior or senior status.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

CHST 4304 (3-3-0) Disability and Suffering

(MACH 5313)

This course will provide an overview of disability in American society and how these needs are addressed in ministry, education, and daily life. Students will explore concepts related to disability accommodation, disability services, and the biblical truths related to suffering.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

CHST 4306 (3-3-0) Children’s Ministry in the Church

(MACH 5312; MALA 5361)

This is a survey class to help students learn how to develop a quality ministry to children in grades 1-6 and their families. The course will include a review of the characteristics of children from this age group. Students will study practical skills of providing age-appropriate learning experiences and activities for the children's teaching ministry of the church. Special consideration will be given to understanding the importance of safety and security, curriculum evaluation, and developing lay leadership for children's ministry. A brief overview will be given for the early childhood age range during the introductory session(s) of the course. Special consideration will be given to developing lay leadership for children's ministry.

Offered:  Fall. Spring, Alternate Summer, Online.

Requisites: CHST 3301.

CHST 4307 (3-3-0) Student Ministry in the Church

(MAEML 5313; MALA 5362)

A study of the social and spiritual development of students ages 12-17. The course will seek to equip the student minister with cognitive skills, resources, and techniques for ministry with students through the church. Emphasis will be placed on the planning and administering of a student ministry in the local church.

Requisites: CHST 3301.

Offered: Spring, Online.

CHST 4308 (3-3-0) Adult Ministry in the Church

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with biblical foundations for adult ministries, adult development theories, programs, resources, and organizational structures for adult ministries in the church. Students will be introduced to the church’s ministries with adults in various life stages based on biblical methods for ministry.

Requisites: CHST 3301

Offered:  Periodically.

CHST 4310 (3-3-0) Small Group Ministry Design and Practice

(MAEML 5310)

This course is designed to provide a thorough introduction to small group ministry design and practice. The design and practice of a small group ministry includes the biblical, historical, sociological, and organizational foundations of small group ministry.

The various approaches to group content, function of roles and support structures, and best practices for assimilation, multiplication, evaluation, and assessment employed in the local church are addressed in the context of practical implementation strategies.

Requisites: CHST 3301.

Offered: Spring, Online.

CHST 4312 (3-3-0) Biblical Servant Leadership

This course will explore the practice of leadership from a Biblical servant leader point of view and the various styles of leadership. Students will be encouraged to develop a personal set of leadership principles reflecting those of a servant. Considerations will also be given to developing people skills, team-building skills, and conflict management skills.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Spring, Online.

CHST 4360 (3-3-0) Special Topics in Christian Studies

This course examines and critically evaluates specified areas of interest related to Christian studies. Students will engage current issues through the exploration of designated topics that might be time-sensitive to the life and ministry of the student. This course may be repeated for credit when the content of the Special Topics course changes. If a grade for a particular Special Topics course must be changed, the student must repeat the course with the same topic and content.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.