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Certificate in Business as Mission

(12 hours – excluding requisites)

Business as Mission describes a holistic approach to making disciples through the various activities of business. BAM companies are for-profit enterprises that maintain both a strategic business objective as well as a strategic missions objective. Often these BAM companies operate in countries in which traditional mission approaches are either illegal or ineffective. The certificate in Business as Mission will equip students with a theoretical and practical understanding of the purpose, principles, and challenges of starting and running a BAM company.

REQUIRED COURSES (excluding requisites)


ENTR 3314 - Social Entrepreneurship

ENTR 4345 - Business as Mission

Select one course from the following:

INCS 4330 - Introduction to Missiology

INCS 4331 - Cross-Cultural Living and Ministry

INCS 4333 - Local Church on Mission

INCS 4335 - Biographies of Outstanding Missionaries

INCS 4340 - Integrating Faith and Cultures

INCS 4341 - Global Christianity

INCS 4342 - Ethnography, Cultures, and Worldviews

INCS 4343 - Understanding Islam

Select one course from the following:

ENTR 4302 - Internship in Entrepreneurship

MANA 4302 - Internship in Management*

MANA 4315 - International Travel in Management**

FINA 4311 - Internship in Finance*

MRKT 4305 - Internship in Marketing*

MRKT 4315 - International Travel in Marketing**

STIM 4332 - Internship in Systems Technology and Information Management

*Internships must involve working with a BAM-related business or organization involved in BAM. All internships in the Carter School of Business require a minimum of 60 hours completed with at least a 3.0-grade point average. Additionally, if an internship is selected, additional requisites for the certificate include RELI 1301, RELI 1302, and MANA 3301.

**International travel courses must involve BAM-related businesses.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.

(S-L)=Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.


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