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Official Withdrawal

It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from the University when necessary. Failure to officially withdraw through the Registrar’s Office will cause the student to receive an “F” in each course regardless of the record at the time the student ceased to attend class. (Withdrawal from the University does not automatically withdraw the student from housing.)

After the Add/Drop deadlines recorded on the Academic Calendar, a student may drop one or more courses; this is defined as Withdrawal. Withdrawal from ALL courses on ANY date is known as Official (full) Withdrawal from the University. If the Official (full) Withdrawal occurs prior to completing 60% of the semester or term, a pro-rated portion of all Federal Financial Aid received during the semester must be returned to the federal aid programs within 45 days of withdrawal. In every case, the student must submit a properly executed WITHDRAWAL FORM. To be properly executed, the form must (1) be signed and dated by the student’s advisor, (2) be received in the Registrar’s Office. If the student has entered into a financial aid agreement, the student should meet with the Financial Aid Department. Federal Financial Aid recipients who withdraw from all classes before 60% of the semester is completed will be required to return a portion of the Federal Financial Aid received. In every situation, the student is responsible for making sure that the form progresses through each step in the withdrawal process, whether the process is conducted in person or through email and telephone conversations. Any appropriate refund will be calculated according to the date the withdrawal form is received in the Registrar’s Office. Students are subject to the appropriate fee.

Note: Once the withdrawal period has expired, the grade of “F” will be assigned for courses not completed.