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Attendance Policy   

Attendance in class is considered a necessary factor in the learning process. Students are expected to attend and participate in class. For traditional courses, absences must be kept to a minimum and should not exceed 25 percent of the total class time. Exceeding this threshold may result in the student failing the course. The policy concerning class attendance for non-traditional courses (such as seminars, CPs, or other guided learning experiences) will be determined by the faculty member.

Faculty will provide students an opportunity to complete work missed because of absences for required, University-sanctioned events. Students participating in University-sanctioned events must notify the professor in writing at least one week in advance. The professor may decide when and how the work will be completed or will otherwise adjust the grading to ensure that the student is not penalized for the absence, provided that the student has properly notified the instructor.


• Per the athletic attendance policy, student-athletes may not miss class for any reason other than university-excused, athletic-related competition or severe illness/catastrophic injury.

• Students who register during Late Registration are responsible for work missed, and these absences do not count toward the 25 percent student absence policy.

• Students verified by the professor(s) as never attending, for each of the classes in which they are enrolled, will be subject to an automatic drop from these classes, which will result in the cancellation and return of any financial aid received.

• Students must consult the course syllabus for further clarification of attendance requirements for each of their courses. Students are required to adhere to the attendance and make-up policies set by the faculty member in compliance with the University Attendance Policy.