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Navigated to UG Policy - Possible Actions for Academic Misconduct.

Possible Actions for Academic Misconduct

Any one or more of the actions listed below may be taken with regard to a student who has engaged in academic misconduct.

A. Action by the Faculty Member

  1. Handle as a confidential matter between the student and the instructor.

  2. Notify the dean that an incident has occurred and has been dealt with.

  3. Assign a grade of "F" (or a zero) for the examination or assignment.

  4. Recommend to the dean that the student be dropped immediately from the course with a grade of "F." This grade cannot be changed by student-initiated withdrawal.

  5. If the alleged incident occurs during a final examination, an "I" (incomplete) shall be given to the student until a decision is made.

B. Action by the Dean

  1. Place a written incident report in the student's permanent University record.

  2. Uphold the action by the instructor.

  3. Recommend to the appropriate Associate Provost that the student be placed on probation at the University for a specified period of time.

  4. Recommend to the appropriate Associate Provost that the student be suspended from the University for a specified period of time.

  5. Recommend to the appropriate Associate Provost that the student be expelled from the University.

C. Action by the Appropriate Associate Provost

  1. Place the student on probation at the University for a specified period of time.

  2. Suspend the student from the University for a specified period of time.

  3. Expel the student from the University.