Academic Programs
Dallas Baptist University offers a wide variety of majors and programs which reflect the comprehensive nature of the liberal arts curriculum. Major programs of study require specific coursework to ensure the depth of knowledge and breadth of understanding necessary to build a foundation for future vocational, occupational, and educational goals. The following pages feature descriptions of the majors, minors, and pre-professional programs offered by DBU through its seven colleges and one school.
Major Field of Study
Students select a primary field of study in which they concentrate the larger portion of the learning experience during the junior and senior years. The requirements for a major in each academic field are outlined in the Academic Programs section of this catalog. Within their major, students complete a sequence of at least 24 required credit hours of which 12 credit hours must be upper level. Requirements vary with the major selected. A minimum 2.0-grade point average or above must be earned in the major field of study. DBU requires a minimum institutional cumulative, major, and minor GPA of 2.0.
Minimum GPA Required for Graduation from Dallas Baptist University
DBU requires a minimum institutional cumulative, major, and minor GPA of 2.0.
Students who have not yet decided on an academic program offered by DBU have the option of entering under an Undecided Program. Undergraduate students at DBU are allowed to remain in the Undecided Program until they have earned 29 credit hours (including any transfer hours), at which time a degree-seeking program and major must be chosen in order to receive Financial Aid.
Dallas Baptist University offers a variety of disciplines in which students may major. Additional disciplines are offered to support these various majors. Majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Music, degrees include:
The major leading to a Bachelor of Musical Arts degree includes:
The major leading to a Bachelor of Music Education degree includes:
Majors leading to a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences or Bachelor of Business Studies degree include, but are not limited to the following:
Accounting Art Biology Business Administration
Communication Computer Information Science Criminal Justice English | Entrepreneurship Finance History Interdisciplinary Studies Kinesiology Management Marketing Political Science Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Psychology |
Students may have the opportunity for intensive study within their majors or minors. A concentration generally requires a minimum of 12 credit hours, although requirements vary with the concentration selected.
Maximum Hours in Discipline
It is recommended that credit toward graduation be given for no more than 42 credit hours in the major field of study or any one discipline in the BA or BS degrees.
Double Major
A student may secure a degree with a double major by fulfilling all course requirements as stated in this catalog for both majors, as long as both majors fall within the same degree. If both majors share common course requirements, there must be a minimum of 18 hours distinctive to the second major, separate and apart from the first major. (The student must determine which is to be the first major and which is to be the second major). Nine of the 18 hours must be upper-level and nine of the 18 must be in residence. A minimum of 12 hours of residency is required in any major. A minimum GPA of 2.0 must be achieved in both majors. DBU requires a minimum institutional cumulative, major, and minor GPA of 2.0.
University Honors Program
The University Honors Program is an additional academic option available for students who desire a challenging interdisciplinary experience that complements the liberal arts mission of DBU. For more information, see University Honors Program Requirements.
The Optional Academic Minor
A student’s program of study must include courses in General Studies and the academic major and may also include electives and an optional minor. A student may minor in any department of the University that offers the required number and level of courses. DBU also offers a few select minors in which there is not a major. A carefully chosen minor provides substantial grounding in a field other than that of the student’s major and adds breadth and depth to the educational experience.
The number of hours required for a minor at Dallas Baptist University will be no fewer than 15 credit hours in one subject matter area. Of the total required hours, there must be a minimum of 9 hours distinctive to the minor, separate and apart from general studies and major core hours. A minimum GPA of 2.0 or above must be earned in the minor field of study. At least 6 upper-level hours in the minor program must be completed at Dallas Baptist University. The amount of upper-level credit hours is determined by the appropriate college. Several minor programs require additional hours and specific coursework (For specific information, refer to the college offering the minor program). The student should consult his/her advisor regarding declaration of a minor. DBU requires a minimum institutional cumulative, major, and minor GPA of 2.0.