Grading and Retention for Graduate Programs
Incomplete Grades
Grades of “I” may be awarded only upon the approval of the instructor involved. The student must remove the “I” no later than thirty calendar days preceding the end of the first long semester following the awarding of the “I” (such date to be published in the Academic Calendar), otherwise the “I” will become an “F.” The grade “I” may be assigned only if the student is currently passing the course and in situations involving extended illness, injury, death in the family, or as a result of employment or government reassignment (documentation required). These events must be the cause of a student’s inability to complete coursework.
Students who receive more than one “I” in a semester will be reviewed by the respective college’s Dean and the Program Director to determine his or her eligibility for continued enrollment.
“W” Grades
A student may withdraw from a single course, or from the University completely, and be eligible to receive a “W” for the course(s). This grade will indicate that the student will not receive credit for the course, nor will the course be computed in the student’s GPA. The student must withdraw from the course by the deadline date and time specified in the online Schedule of Classes General Information and the Academic Calendar. If an official (full) withdrawal occurs prior to completing 60% of the semester or term, a prorated portion of all Federal Financial Aid received during the semester must be returned to the Federal Aid Programs within 45 days of withdrawal.
Listed below are graduate grades and the corresponding number of grade points per credit hour:
Grade Point Evaluation
Grade | Description | Per Credit Hour |
A+ | ----------------------------------------------------- | 4.00 |
A | --------------------Excellent-------------------- | 4.00 |
A- | ----------------------------------------------------- | 3.67 |
B+ | ----------------------------------------------------- | 3.33 |
B | ---------------------Good----------------------- | 3.00 |
B- | ----------------------------------------------------- | 2.67 |
C+ | ----------------------------------------------------- | 2.33 |
C | ----------------------------------------------------- | 2.00 |
C- | ----------------------------------------------------- | 1.67 |
F | ----------------------Fail------------------------- | 0.00 |
W | -------------------Withdraw--------------------- | * |
AU | ----------------------Audit------------------------ | * |
| (Attendance 75% or more) |
HO | ----------------------Hold------------------------ | * |
X | ----------------------Audit------------------------ | * |
| (Attendance fewer than 75%) |
I | ------------------Incomplete-------------------- | * |
CR | ---------------------Credit----------------------- | * |
NC | --------------------No Credit ------------------- | * |
*Not Computed
Students pursuing an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s degree program are considered graduate students upon the completion all undergraduate degree requirements and shared graduate hours. Graduate students are ineligible for the Honors List, Dean’s List, or President’s List.
Grade Report
Students may access their grades through Self-Service System. Grades are available for viewing upon entry of the grade by the instructor. Self-Service for students can be accessed from the student portal. Grades will not be given out through departments but may be received from the instructor at the instructor’s discretion. Grades cannot be distributed by phone or email.