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SOCI 1301 (3-3-0) Introduction to Sociology

A study of the basic concepts, principles, and processes used to analyze the structure and functions of society.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

SOCI 1302 (3-3-0) Social Problems

A study of the major social problems in contemporary American society and an analysis of proposed approaches that attempt to address them.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically, Online.

SOCI 2303 (3-3-0) Statistics for the Social Sciences

(MATH 2301; POLS 2303; PSYC 2301)

Introductory course including elements of probability to support statistical theory. Topics include theoretical distributions, discrete and continuous variables, and tests of hypotheses. Suggested for majors in the social and behavioral sciences. TI- 83/84 Plus graphing calculator required. This course may not be used to satisfy any general studies requirements for Social Sciences.

Requisites: MATH 1301, 1303, 1307, or 1405.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

SOCI 3302 (3-3-0) Juvenile Delinquency

(CRJS 3302; PSYC 3302)

A study of deviant behavior by the legal minors in contemporary society, factors and conditions contributing to delinquency, control and treatment of offenders, and programs for prevention.

Requisites: CRJS 1301 or 1302, or PSYC 1301, or SOCI 1301.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

SOCI 3305 (3-3-0) Internship in Sociology I (S-L)

A supervised field placement with a Christian or secular social agency. This course provides the student with an opportunity of integrating theory and classroom learning with actual field experience. The placement may be at the individual, family group,  or community levels in diverse settings. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: SOCI 1301 or 1302, or concurrent enrollment in SOCI 1302.

Offered: Spring, Online.

SOCI 3306 (3-3-0) Study of Aging

(PSYC 3306)

An examination of aging in relation to sociology, psychology, biology, law, political science, literature, religion, recreation, and health. Special emphasis is placed on an understanding of gerontology from a Christian Perspective.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, odd-numbered years, Online.

SOCI 3309 (3-3-0) Social Work

A survey of the field of social work. Students will become acquainted with the principles of the helping processes within the broad field of social services.

Requisites: SOCI 1301.

Offered: Fall, even-numbered years, Online.

SOCI 3311 (3-3-0) Marriage and Family Systems

(PSYC 3311)

In this course, students will learn the historical development and principal conceptualizations of marital and family systems theory. Students will learn the theories, therapeutic processes, and techniques involved in treating marriage, family, and relationships. To familiarize students with specific issues pertinent to marriage, family, and relationship counseling (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and culture).

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

SOCI 3312 (3-3-0) Drug and Alcohol Problems

(PSYC 3312)

The philosophical, economic, political, social, and psychological dimensions of drug and alcohol problems will be examined.

Requisites: SOCI 1301 or PSYC 1301.

Offered: Spring.

SOCI 3315 (3-3-0) Forensic Psychology

(CRJS 3315; PSYC 3315)

In this course, students will learn the history of forensic psychology and how it differs from other forensic sciences. Students will cover a variety of topics including; careers in forensic psychology, profiling, interviewing and interrogation, eyewitness evidence, consulting and testifying, child custody evaluations, violence and intimidation, development of delinquent and criminal behaviors, personality profiles, forensic victimology, and victim services, sexual assault, family violence, and abuse, and correctional psychology. Students will also see how the field of forensic psychology informs the criminal justice system and the policies developed by that system.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

SOCI 3330 (3-3-0) Death and Dying

An examination of issues in the field of death awareness approached from a biblical perspective and based on biblical truth. Interactions between the dying individual and family, friends, and professionals are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the social aspects of dying and the different settings in which deaths occur in relationship to Christian ministry.

Requisites: SOCI 1301 or PSYC 1301.

Offered: Spring.

SOCI 3332 (3-3-0) Development of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (S-L)

(EDUC 3302; PSYC 3332)

An interdisciplinary course emphasizing the psychosocial development of the child from conception through adolescence. A study is made of the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral development of the child. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.

Requisites: SOCI 1301 or PSYC 1301.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

SOCI 4301 (3-3-0) Race and Ethnicity

(PSYC 4301)

Examines the theories and operational definitions of race and ethnic relations in the social sciences within a biblical framework. Evaluates programs for the reduction of prejudice, discrimination, and racism. Analyzes historical and contemporary status of racial/ethnic minority groups in the United States.

Requisites: SOCI 1301 or PSYC 1301.

Offered: Spring, Online.

SOCI 4302 (3-3-0) Sociological Theory

A critical survey of the foremost paradigms in contemporary sociological theory. The course emphasizes the historical intellectual location of major theoretical traditions, especially the works of Durkheim, Marx, and Weber. Contemporary schools of thought include functionalism, conflict, and rational choice theories, symbolic interactionism and dramaturgical analysis, phenomenology and ethnomethodology, structuralism, feminist theories, and postmodernism. For each, special attention is given to how to evaluate theories and how theoretical paradigms are linked to empirical research within the frame of a Christian worldview.

Requisites: Six hours sociology, including SOCI 1301.

Offered: Periodically, Online.

SOCI 4303 (3-3-0) Social Psychology

(PSYC 4303)

An analysis of the behavior of individuals in group processes with special attention to the sociocultural context of behavior.

Requisites: SOCI 1301 or PSYC 1301.

Offered: Spring, Online.

SOCI 4304 (3-3-0) Social Change

An analysis of viewpoints concerning social change, including the study of collective behavior and social movements as they reflect the changing structure and function of society.

Requisites: SOCI 1301.

Offered: Periodically.

SOCI 4305 (3-3-0) Sociology of Religion

Religions exist within societies and among social groups. This course will study the social aspects of religion and the way religion influences and is influenced by society and culture.

Requisites: SOCI 1301.

Offered: Periodically.

SOCI 4307 (3-3-0) Criminology

(CRJS 4307/ 5323)

The course considers the idea of crime and community from social, psychological, and sociological perspectives. The social patterns, characteristics, and causes of crime will be examined along with theories of control and treatment.

Requisites: CRJS 1301 or 1302, PSYC 1301, or SOCI 1301.

Offered: Fall (Online), Spring.

SOCI 4310 (3-3-0) Human Trafficking

(CRJS 4310)

This course is designed to help students gain a better understanding of contemporary human trafficking and modern-day slavery. The roles that entities such as government, the media, faith-based organizations, organized crime, and culture play in this complex human rights and social (in)justice issue will also be explored.

Requisites: Junior standing.

Offered: Fall.

SOCI 4311 (3-3-0) Urban Sociology

(POLS 4311/5315)

A study of the nature, structure, and functions of urban society. Emphasis is placed on the development of cities and problems of modern cities.

Requisites: Junior standing.

Offered: Fall, odd-numbered years.

SOCI 4316 (3-3-0) Human Growth and Development

(PSYC 4316)

A course in developmental psychology that focuses on physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and personality development from conception to death within a context of basic theories of development.

Requisites: SOCI or PSYC 1301.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

SOCI 4317 (3-3-0) Research Methods

(PSYC 4317; CRJS 4317/ 5326)

The course is designed to introduce the student to the scientific method of research. Topics covered include the philosophy/logic of research, hypothesis testing, the construction of concepts, sampling, data gathering, and data analysis. Completion of the course will make students better "consumers" of behavioral research data, as well as prepare them for more advanced classes in statistics and research. Examples in the class will be drawn from diverse disciplines including criminal justice, sociology, psychology, business, and healthcare.

Requisites: PSYC 1301 and 2301, or SOCI 1301 and 2303, or 18 hours in criminal justice and general studies math requirement.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Online.

SOCI 4320 Special Topics in Sociology

Concentrates on specialized areas of sociology. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for special topics courses may only be accomplished under special topics courses with the same topic and content.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

SOCI 4330 (3-3-0) Victim and Victimization

(CRJS 4330/ 5330)

This course is designed to address the sources of violence and its influences on people and society. Students can see the causes of victimization from different perspectives. It examines the social environmental factors that cause victimization, the relationship between victim and offender, how to avoid being victimized, and how legislation protects or compensates victims.

Requisites: 6 hours in criminal justice, sociology, or psychology.

Offered: Fall.

SOCI 4332 (3-3-0) Crisis Intervention

(CRJS 4332/5332; PSYC 4332)

This course examines the field of crisis intervention from a multi-disciplinary perspective including law enforcement, human services, psychology, and sociology. The evaluation and application of crisis intervention techniques, methods, and concepts will be examined related to community, workplace, therapy, and social/personal environments.

Requisites: 6 hours in criminal justice, sociology, or psychology.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, Online.

SOCI 4357 (3-3-0) Understanding East Asian Civilization and Culture

(HIST 4357; MALA 5306)

For students involved in cultural immersion, this course provides an exploration of basic components of local culture and the heritage of civilization of a designated host country in East Asia, including an appreciation for history, religion, festivals, customs, family life, business practices, institutions, arts, etc.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.

SOCI 4359 (3-3-0) Travel Study in East Asia

(HIST 4359; MALA 5364)

Discover the vibrant culture, history, and society of East Asia, with a particular travel focus on one East Asian country. This travel study course introduces students to important cities, major historical sites, and different cultural regions. In addition, this inter-cultural experience provides service-learning opportunities in the East Asian culture where students will engage in activities beneficial to the society visited and report on what they learned from their service. Students will develop an elementary understanding of a host country's history and culture, and experience local customs first-hand. Travel abroad and inter-cultural exercises teach students to manage different customs, norms, and expectations produced by inter-cultural encounters. Engaging in inter-cultural experiences during travel enriches students' understanding and exploration of historical heritage, and social realities in East Asia.

Requisites: None.

Offered: Periodically.