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Master of Arts in Leadership

The Master of Arts in Leadership is a 30-hour, non-thesis program designed to equip leaders with the core leadership skills and knowledge necessary to become effective practitioner-leaders in for-profit, non-profit, and governmental organizations. Courses are designed to provide students with a foundational knowledge of key leadership theories and are heavily weighted towards learning how to apply leadership skills in real-world contexts. Students will have the option to choose an area of concentration to better direct their learning in light of their personal goals. The goal of the program is to provide a practical, yet thought-provoking master’s-level degree in leadership that will allow practitioners to become Christian scholars, servant leaders, and global thinkers.


Considerations for Admission Specific to This Program:

Applicants must have: 1) earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution recognized by DBU, 2) show strong moral character commensurate with the University’s mission of producing servant leaders, and 3) demonstrate through their academic record a likelihood of success in the Master of Arts in Leadership program. In addition to these requirements, another factor that will be considered is the applicant’s record of service in the community and in positions of leadership.


MAL 5301 - Introduction to Leadership

MAL 5309 - Leadership Across Boundaries: Travel Study
MAL 6301 - Christian Worldview of Leadership (S-L)


Choose 4 of the following:

MAL 5302 - Vision Casting and Leading Change

MAL 5304 - Crisis Leadership

MAL 5308 - Great Leaders in History

MAL 6303 - Leadership in Conflict and Adversity

MAL 6305 - Relational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

MAL 6306 - Cross-Cultural and Global Leadership

MAL CONCENTRATIONS (9 hours) - Choose one of the following concentrations:


MAL 6307 - Mentored Leadership Internship (S-L)

Business Leadership

Choose 6 hours from Graduate School of Business courses or MAL courses with approval of program director.

General Leadership

Choose 6 hours from the Cook School of Leadership, Graduate School of Business, or Graduate School of Ministry courses with approval of program director.

Global Leadership

Choose 6 hours from MAIR or MAGL or MAL courses with approval of program director.

Leadership in Ministry

Choose 6 hours from the Graduate School of Ministry or MAL courses with approval of program director.


(S-L)=Course(s) with field-based service-learning component.

Refer to individual course descriptions for course requisites.


Find course descriptions by category under the Graduate Course Descriptions section in the navigation panel.