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Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits

All programs/degrees offered by DBU must be approved by our State Approving Agency (SAA), the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC), which are then confirmed for federal approval by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in order for students to be able to utilize various chapters of VA benefits at DBU.  It is possible for a program/degree to be temporarily ineligible for VA certification of benefits if the program is new/pending approval or if the program has been suspended in compliance with the VA “85/15 Rule.” 

All students who may be eligible should contact the VA School Certifying Official (SCOs) in Military & Veteran Services at least one month prior to initial registration to ensure completion of paperwork in a timely manner.

VA Benefits Documentation Needed:

Students should ensure one of the following documentation of benefits is provided as soon as possible to the DBU VA SCOs in Military & Veteran Services (note, if necessary, the VA SCOs may alternatively be able to obtain verbal confirmation from the VA Regional Processing Office (RPO) for some chapters of benefits).

- Chapter 33 (Post-9/11):  Please send a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE), or login at: to send a copy/screenshot of your current “Statement of Benefits” displaying your percentage, remaining entitlement time, and delimiting date information.

- Chapter 31 (VR&E):  Your Voc-Rehab Counselor (VRC) will provide DBU with a PO Authorization of tuition & fees in the Tungsten Network Portal as official documentation of your approval of benefits for each specified enrollment period.  Please alert your VRC that a separate PO Authorization of books/supplies is needed for the DBU Barnes & Noble Campus Bookstore managed by a separate Tungsten account, and the Campus Bookstore manager can be reached at for account information.

-All other chapters may visit or contact VA Education at 1-888-442-4551 to request a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE).

VA Benefits Eligibility

Students must contact VA Education (, 1-888-442-4551) for official determination of eligibility and ensure enough time is allotted for VA processing to provide a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or PO Authorization of benefits.  See the “VA Student Financial Responsibility” section below regarding if students choose to register for classes while VA benefits status is still pending.

Chapters of VA Benefits:
List of all chapters eligibility and how to apply:
Note that the term “GI-Bill®” can refer to one of three separate benefit chapters (30, 33, & 1606).

VA Chapter 33 (Post-9/11) Eligibility:
Percentage tiers based on length of qualifying aggregate active duty service (excluding entry and skill training): 100% = At least 36 months *(see link above for additional eligibility based on disability or Purple Heart); 90% = At least 30 months, but fewer than 36 months; 80% = At least 24 months, but fewer than 30 months; 70% = At least 18 months, but fewer than 24 months; 60% = At least 6 months, but fewer than 18 months; 50% = At least 90 days.  See also, “Yellow Ribbon Program (YRP)” section under “Military & Veteran Financial Aid” below.

Chapter 31 (VR&E) Eligibility:  If you have any service-related disability rating, you may be eligible (see link above for additional criteria).  Switching from Ch. 33 to Ch. 31 prior to exhausting all Ch. 33 entitlement, may allow you to receive a higher stipend rate.

Chapter 1606 Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) Eligibility:  For a 6-year service obligation in the Selected Reserve, or officers in the Selected Reserve who agreed to serve 6 years in addition to your initial service obligation, or if you’re discharged from Selected Reserve service due to a disability that was not caused by misconduct (see link above for additional criteria).  Note that Chapter 1606 (MGIB-SR) does NOT pay directly towards the cost of tuition.

VA Dependent/Spouse Benefits Eligibility:

Chapter 33 (Post-9/11) Transfer of Entitlement (TOE): Department of Defense (DoD) transfer approval process:  Service members must initiate the DoD transfer process prior to being released from active duty.

Chapter 33 (Fry Scholarship):  You may be able eligible for the Fry Scholarship if you’re the child or surviving spouse of an active-duty service member who died in the line of duty on or after September 11, 2001.

Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependent’s Educational Assistance (DEA):  Please review the link for a complete list of eligibility conditions, but the most common are: if the veteran or service member is either permanently and totally disabled due to a service-connected disability, or if the veteran or service member died while on active duty or as a result of a service-connected disability.  Note that Chapter 35 (DEA) does NOT pay directly towards the cost of tuition.

Hazlewood Act:
Unfortunately, the Hazlewood Act is available only for use at Texas public schools, and DBU does not qualify for this benefit since we are a private institution.  If Hazlewood is your only means of paying for your education, you may visit  for info about applying and finding a “public” school.  However, you may be eligible for other VA benefits applicable at DBU (see “Chapters of VA Benefits” section above).  Regardless of eligibility for Military/VA benefits, all students are encouraged to apply for additional assistance (scholarships, grants, etc.) with the DBU Financial Aid office: (see “Military & Veteran Financial Aid” section below).