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Audit Policy for Master's Programs

Currently enrolled students are occasionally allowed to visit classes with the consent of the instructor. Any extended attendance requires registration and payment of appropriate fees. Auditors are admitted to classes on a space-available basis under the following guidelines:

  1. Any interested person, including currently enrolled students, may audit one or more courses.

  2. Non-students must complete an application for admission and be approved for enrollment by the Office of Graduate Admissions.

  3. Individuals who desire to audit graduate courses must be admitted for graduate study or have documentation indicating the completion of a baccalaureate degree and approval from Graduate Admissions.

  4. Late registration as published in the University calendar is the only period during which students may register for an audit, change a credit class to audit, or change an audit class to credit. Appropriate tuition and fees will apply. Individuals must complete a Registration Form or Change of Schedule Form (add/drop) as appropriate. The advisor should clearly mark the audited classes placing AUDIT ONLY in the course description of the appropriate form.

  5. Enrollment as an auditor is subject to the approval of the Dean of the related college. It is recommended that prospective students consult the instructors of courses in which they are interested before they register.

  6. Policies governing requisites and academic load will be applicable.

  7. An auditor is not entitled to have work evaluated by the instructor, and the degree to which the auditing student may participate is determined by the instructor and Dean. Individuals who wish to participate fully and engage in all instructional activities must register for credit and pay full tuition.

  8. Auditing grants only the privilege of hearing and observing a class; it does not grant credit. An auditor’s name will appear on the instructor’s class roll. In order for the designation “AU” to appear on the transcript, the instructor must certify at the end of the course that the individual attended at least 75% of the class meetings as an auditor. If the student attends fewer than 75% of the class meetings, the designation of “X” will appear on the transcript.

  9. Audit and other appropriate fees prescribed in the University online Schedule of Classes information are due at the time of registration.

  10. Full-time faculty and staff members are eligible for audit tuition benefits consistent with the guidelines established in the University Tuition Remission Policy.