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Transfer Credit Policy


Transfer students' grades earned on course work accepted in transfer to DBU will not become a part of the DBU grade point average. No course with a grade of "D" or "F" will be accepted in transfer. Only Dallas Baptist University residence credit will be considered in calculating the grade point average to determine:

(1) Eligibility for graduation;
(2) Eligibility for graduation with honors; and
(3) Eligibility for financial aid.

Courses taken on a pass/fail basis will be considered for acceptance unless the institution at which the work was earned equates a grade of "P," or pass, to a grade below "C." 

Transfer credit will be considered for acceptance on all regular college credit courses taken at an institution approved by the Department of Education as an Institutional Accrediting Agency. The total number of hours that can be transferred from all accredited, two-year colleges is 66. DBU will transfer up to 12 credit hours of technical/occupational credit from institutions approved by the Department of Education as an Institutional Accrediting Agency (including community/junior colleges) into the traditional degree programs. These 12 hours are to be used as elective credit only. No advanced courses will be accepted in transfer from a two-year college. A limited amount of transfer credit from identified non-accredited entities may be accepted, upon review by the Registrar's Office. There is no limitation to the number of hours DBU will accept from accredited four-year institutions; however:

  • Thirty of the last 36 credit hours must be taken in residence at DBU.

  • A minimum of 30 hours total must be taken in residence. (Any courses which DBU offers at extension site locations or online are considered resident hours.)

  • All required courses of the student’s degree plan must be completed.

  • After matriculation, a student may only transfer a total of 12 credit hours to DBU. 

Courses that are considered developmental/remedial; continuing education, college orientation, work co-op, and extension courses are not transferable. Official scores from the College Board or the International Baccalaureate Organization must be submitted before credit from another Institutional Accrediting Agency school's transcript for ACE, CLEP, or AP will be considered. 

The transfer student must recognize that academic advising is unofficial until an official transcript evaluation form and official degree plan have been approved by the Registrar's Office.

Credit for Corporate Training

DBU accepts, subject to departmental approval/policies, credit recommendations for courses that have been evaluated by the American Council of Education as specified in The National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training. Credit will be evaluated upon receipt of an official ACE (American Council on Education) transcript. 

Credit for Military Experience

Students may receive, subject to departmental approval/policies, credit for Army courses and military occupational specialties (MOS); Navy general rates, ratings, warrant officer and limited duty officer specialties; Air Force courses; Coast Guard courses; Marine Corps courses; and Department of Defense courses, if they have been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). DBU will accept credit recommendations made by ACE as specified in The Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services


Adult students' grades earned on course work accepted in transfer to DBU will not become a part of the DBU grade point average. No course with a grade of "D" or "F" will be accepted in transfer. Only Dallas Baptist University residence credit will be considered in calculating the grade point average to determine:

(1) Eligibility for graduation;
(2) Eligibility for graduation with honors; and
(3) Eligibility for financial aid.

Courses taken on a pass/fail basis will be considered for acceptance unless the institution at which the work was earned equates a grade of "P", or pass, to a grade below "C". 

Transfer credit will be considered for acceptance on all regular college credit courses taken at an institution accredited by a US Department of Education-approved Institutional Accrediting Agency. . The total number of hours that can be transferred from all accredited, two-year colleges is 66. No upper-level equivalencies will be counted toward upper-level hours in transfer from a two-year institution. A limited amount of transfer credit from identified non-accredited institutions may be accepted, upon review by the Registrar's Office. There is no limitation to the number of hours DBU will accept from accredited four-year institutions; however:

  • Thirty of the last 36 credit hours must be taken in residence at DBU.

  • A minimum of 30 hours total must be taken in residence. (Any courses which DBU offers at extension site locations or online are considered resident hours.)

  • All required courses of the student’s degree plan must be completed.

  • After matriculation, a student may only transfer a total of 12 credit hours to DBU. 

Courses that are considered developmental/remedial; continuing education, college orientation, work co-op, and extension courses are not transferable. Official scores from the College Board or the International Baccalaureate Organization must be submitted before credit from another regionally accredited school's transcript for ACE, CLEP, or AP will be considered. 

The student must recognize that academic advising is unofficial until an official transcript evaluation form and official degree plan have been approved by the Registrar's Office. 

Credit for Corporate Training 

DBU accepts, subject to departmental approval/policies, credit recommendations for courses that have been evaluated by the American Council of Education as specified in The National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training. Credit will be evaluated upon receipt of an official ACE (American Council on Education) transcript. 

Credit for Military Experience

Students may receive, subject to departmental approval/policies, credit for Army courses and military occupational specialties (MOS); Navy general rates, ratings, warrant officer and limited duty officer specialties; Air Force courses; Coast Guard courses; Marine Corps courses; and Department of Defense courses, if they have been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). DBU will accept credit recommendations made by ACE as specified in The Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.


Students may transfer master's level courses from an institution approved by the Department of Education as an Institutional Accrediting Agency provided: (1) a minimum grade of “B” was earned on all courses under consideration, (2) the courses are equivalent to courses in the applicable degree program at Dallas Baptist University, (3) courses were completed within a six-year period prior to enrollment in a Master’s degree program at DBU, or as determined by the Program Director and approved by the Dean, (4) none of the transfer work consists of correspondence or workshop courses not transcribed by an Institutional Accrediting Agency university, or credit earned through life and work experience. A limited amount of transfer credit from identified non-accredited entities may be accepted, upon review by the Registrar's Office. 

Students may petition for transfer credit completed prior to the initial enrollment, thereby reducing the number of credit hours required to be taken at DBU for the degree. Evaluation and approval of transfer of credit shall be made by the director of the appropriate master's program. A DBU graduate student may not apply for transfer of credit for classes taken at another institution after the initial enrollment at DBU except under mitigating circumstances and with evaluation and approval of the Program Director, the Dean, and the Provost.  

Number of Hours Eligible for Transfer

Students may transfer to the following DBU Master’s programs no more than 12 hours of master’s level courses from an Institutional Accrediting Agency institution. All other courses must be done in residence at DBU. 

Master of Arts in Communication

Master of Arts in International Relations

Master of Arts in Leadership

Master of Arts in Management

Master of Arts in Professional Counseling

Master of Arts in Professional Development

Master of Arts in Psychology

Master of Arts in Sport Management

Master of Business Administration

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Master of Education in Educational Leadership

Master of Education in Higher Education

Master of Education in Reading

Master of Education in School Counseling

Master of Education in School Guidance

Master of Education in Special Education

Master of Education in Teaching

Master of Liberal Arts

Master of Music Education

Master of Science in Accounting

Master of Science in Cybersecurity Management

Master of Science in Ethical AI and Strategic Decision Sciences

Master of Science in Finance

Master of Science in Information Technology and Management

Master of Science in Kinesiology

Master of Science in Learning Technologies

Master of Science in Management

Master of Science in Organizational Change and Project Management

Master of Science in Supply Chain Management 

Professional Online MBA

Students may transfer to the following DBU Master’s programs no more than 50% of the individual degree program. Also, no more than one-half of the credit earned in a completed degree program at another institution can be transferred into a single degree program listed below. All other courses must be done in residence at DBU. 

Master of Arts in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care

Master of Arts in Children’s Ministry

Master of Arts in Christian Counseling

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

Master of Arts in Education Ministry Leadership

Master of Arts in Family Ministry

Master of Arts in Global Leadership

Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Master of Arts in Worship Studies 

Transient Student Transfer of Credit Admission

Students who are currently active and in good standing in a graduate program at an Institutional Accrediting Agency institution may be permitted to take up to 6 hours as a transient student, when the purpose of attaining credit is for transfer back to that primary institution. Students must submit a current graduate transcript, a letter of intent, a completed application, and obtain approval from Graduate Admissions. 

Visit for a listing of web forms, printable forms, and links to external web sites that are helpful to Graduate Applicants. 


EDD Program Transfer Credit 

A maximum of twelve (12) comparable transfer credit hours with a grade of “B” or better may be considered by the EDD Program Director and the appropriate Dean provided the following stipulations are met:

  • Transfer hours must be on the doctoral level, from an Institutional Accrediting Agency university, and may not have been used toward another degree.

  • Research and Statistics courses from other universities are accepted only as requisites or electives. They may not be substituted for required DBU Research or Statistics courses.

  • Students wishing to obtain Texas Superintendent certification through DBU must take their Superintendent courses at DBU.

  • Students who already have Texas Superintendent certification may transfer comparable courses into the EDD Program upon approval of the EDD Program Director and Committee. 

Doctoral Cohort Program Transfer Credit 

Students may petition for a maximum of up to twelve (12) transfer credit hours provided the following stipulations are met: 

  • Transfer hours were completed on the doctoral level, from an institution approved by the Department of Education as an Institutional Accrediting Agency with a minimum grade of “B” and have not been used toward another awarded degree.

  • The courses are deemed equivalent to courses in the Doctoral program or approved Doctoral concentration courses at Dallas Baptist University.

  • Courses completed prior to initial enrollment in the Doctoral program at DBU were completed no more than five years prior to initial enrollment in the Doctoral program.

  • Research and Statistics courses from other universities are accepted only as requisites or electives. They may not be substituted for required DBU Research and Statistics courses. 

Students may petition for transfer credits completed prior to initial enrollment or for approval to complete hours up to the twelve transfer credit hour maximum during Doctoral program year three. Transfer hours completed after initial enrollment may only be in the student’s area of concentration and must be successfully completed during the third year of the program. The Doctoral Program Director, the appropriate Dean, and the Doctoral Committee will consider and make decisions for all transfer credit petitions. These decisions made are considered final.

Transfer of Credit When Changing Doctoral Degree Program at DBU 

Doctoral students changing degree programs may transfer only 12 hours of applicable graduate courses to DBU’s PHD or EDD Programs.