Practicum in Intercultural Studies
Internship training program to be supervised by a professor and an official in the local church or church-related institution. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
Global Leadership Practicum
This course places students in a challenging cross-cultural situation where it is necessary to show ability in managing different customs, norms, and expectations produced by inter-cultural encounter. Special attention will be given to developing eff...
Intro to Missiology
This course is an intercultural exercise in learning how to personally engage a new population with the good news of the gospel, the course focuses on the role of the individual who serves others in a cross-cultural environment and analyzes issues of...
Cross-Cultural Living and Ministry
The course provides orientation to people who will work in international or ethnically diverse settings where personal adaptation to a different language and culture is required. The course focuses on acquiring insights and skills for cultural adapta...
Strategies for Missionary Work
As in depth study of strategies and tactics for modern missionary work will be the goal for the classroom. Interaction within the classroom will bring discussion of strategic approaches in missions, culminating with current strategies for reaching un...
Local Church on Mission
The class will provide practical steps in developing a missional church devoted to sharing the gospel in positive terms within its own community, in its region, nation and world. Leadership tools will be provided for church workers to lead their chur...
Chronological Bible Storying
The course helps students learn to communicate more effectively to non-literate oral learners by using stories and narratives to communicate an essential Christian message. Students will come to understand that most of the world's population does not...
Biographies of Outstanding Missionaries
The course consists of reading biographies of inspiring examples of Christian living and ministry from the history of missions. Biographies from the early church, medieval missions, the modern missionary movement, and recent missionary leaders are re...
Current Trends in Missions
The course considers important contemporary developments in global Christian missions. A review of approaches, strategies, methods, and problems will lead to suggestions about best practice and relevant applications in concrete settings. May be repea...
Integrating Faith and Culture
The purpose of this course is to analyze how Christian faith intersects with cultures, whether one's own or other cultures. Biblical, missiological, and cross-cultural principles are applied to provide perspectives, guidelines, and methods for minist...
Global Christianity
The course reviews recent and best thinking on the advance of world evangelization by reviewing the biblical basis for missions, the history of worldwide expansion of Christianity, cultural adaptation and competencies required for work among remote p...
Enthnography, Cultures, and Worldviews
The course introduces students to applied ethnography, where they will learn the essentials of how to conduct interviews with persons from a different cultural identity to ascertain customs, values, and worldview understandings. Students learn to 're...
Understanding Islam
This course is an introductory examination of Islamic faith and practice, designed for those with little previous understanding of Islamic culture and its doctrinal beliefs. Students will learn to describe the principle features of Islamic religious...
Christianity in a Pluralistic World
This course introduces a Christian understanding of, and a response to, a pluralistic world utilizing biblical truths.
Special Topics in Intercultural Studies
This course examines and critically evaluates specified areas of interest related to Intercultural Studies (Missions). Students will engage current issues through the exploration of designated topics that might be time-sensitive to the life and minis...
Independent Study in InterculturalStudies
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).