BS.BIOL - Bachelor of Science in Biology
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Program Description
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Mission Statement
The Biology program at Dallas Baptist University is designed to produce knowledgeable individuals who have an understanding of the foundational biological tenets of God's creation. The academic information is presented in a Christian context to enhance the students' ability to become responsible, professional, and caring citizens in society.
Goals of the Biology Major
The Biology program seeks to meet the following goals to provide courses with content appropriate for forming a strong foundation in biology:
To meet the needs of students who are preparing for vocations in the health field and environmental science.
To provide the necessary foundation for students intending to continue in graduate work in biology.
To meet the needs of those preparing for a teaching career with biology as a teaching field.
To provide skills needed by those students who elect biology as a major in order to prepare for employment in a biologically related field.
To graduate students from the program who are well prepared and who reflect the proficiencies of the field.
To enable students to make wise ethical and moral decisions concerning issues that affect humans and their environment.