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BS.MATH - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

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Program Description

The course offerings for the Mathematics major provide a basic foundation for entry into careers requiring mathematical training, for teaching mathematics at the secondary level, or for graduate study in mathematics or related fields. The curriculum also provides courses that support study in computer science, business, the natural and social sciences, nursing and pre-medical studies, and teacher preparation.

Additional Program Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the DBU Mathematics department is to provide a Christ-centered quality undergraduate Mathematics major and to produce mathematically trained servant leaders who demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts of pure and applied mathematics and the Christ-centered servant leadership required in the pursuit of their respective callings.

Goals of the Mathematics Program:

The overall goals of the Mathematics Department for its majors are:

  • To produce graduates who demonstrate professional responsibility and employability in the pursuit of their respective calling.

  • To produce graduates who demonstrate an understanding of the practical Christ-centered servant leadership required in the pursuit of their respective calling.

  • To produce graduates who demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts of pure and applied mathematics required in the pursuit of their respective calling.

  • To produce graduates who are able to use appropriate technology to model and solve real-world problems by applying theory and applications.

  • To produce graduates who demonstrate the skills necessary to complete projects, work in teams, and make presentations.