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BS.ENGL - Bachelor of Science in English

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Program Description

The Department of English embraces the integration of faith and learning as a life-long experience. The department strives to equip students who major or minor in English and those who take English classes as a general studies requirement with essential knowledge and skills in language, literature, and communication.

Additional Program Information

The Department of English desires to give its learners competencies in English studies and strives to produce graduates with the ability to apply these competencies in their chosen careers. It also strives to produce graduates who integrate their own personal faith with these competencies. The following list delineates the traits we hope our students will demonstrate: 

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of humanity and culture through critical reading and response to literary texts. 

  • Students will possess the ability to write proficiently using a variety of approaches and rhetorical devices. 

  • Students will demonstrate skills in literary interpretation. 

  • Students will conduct and document scholarly research. 

  • Students will understand the application of a Christian worldview to the study of literature.