BA.CRJS - Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice
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Program Description
Criminal Justice is the study of crime and of the agencies concerned with its prevention and control. We, as a Christ-centered educational institution, are dedicated to integrating faith and learning with professional knowledge and skills. Students will be trained to enforce the law not only on a fair and just basis but also under the guidance of Biblical standards and in the scope of God's love.
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Goals of the Criminal Justice Major
Provide students with knowledge of the general scope of crime in America and of the criminal justice system.
Prepare students for their careers in areas of law enforcement, the judicial system, corrections, homeland and organizational security, social services, and juvenile justice or preparation for competition at the graduate level or law school.
Instruct students in the societal standards of ethics along with divine truth and Christian doctrines and how these principles apply to the enforcement of the law in practice.
Have in-service Christian instructors to provide a variety of disciplines, cases, and experiences as a reference, so that students may successfully cultivate Christ-centered servant leadership in their careers of protection and service.
Recruit Christian students with a vision and burden to enter this field. Also, recruit qualified in-service officers for our program to be trained as criminal justice agents who are Christ-centered with a servant attitude.