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BS.PHIL - Bachelor of Science in Philosophy

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Program Description

The program in Philosophy is dedicated, on the foundation of the Christian faith, to the pursuit of an understanding of reality, both infinite and finite; to the systematic study of ideas and a reasoned pursuit of truth; to an examination of the principles of moral conduct and aesthetic experience; and overall, seeks to understand the world and human life from the perspective of the Christian world view. The goals of this department are to acquaint the student with the main philosophical subdisciplines (metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics); to learn to think, speak, write, and evaluate logically and critically; to understand the main problems of philosophy and the solutions proposed to them; to trace the development of the history of philosophy, and to become familiar with the main philosophers and their systems of thought which have contributed to this history. Those majoring in Philosophy will be prepared for graduate school and/or careers in law, ministry, teaching, business, and writing, as well as pursuing philosophy itself professionally. Students may pursue either a BA or a BS in Philosophy.

Additional Program Information

Goals of the Philosophy Major  

  • Graduates will understand the methods, vocabulary, and content of the discipline of philosophy, and its important role in the development of the Western intellectual tradition.

    • The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the key figures and views within philosophy and explain their significance in the Western intellectual tradition.

  • Graduates will demonstrate the principles of sound reasoning and critical thinking in their written and oral communication.

    • The student will be able to communicate (verbally and in writing) in an effective and persuasive manner on philosophical and social issues.

  • Graduates will have the ability to integrate faith (viz. a biblical worldview) and learning in philosophy and in everyday life.

    • The student will be able to analyze philosophical and social issues through a Christian worldview.

  • Graduates will be prepared for insightful and innovative contributions in entry-level positions related to the field of philosophy (e.g., consulting, politics, public relations, etc.), and/or further study in diverse fields such as law, medicine, and philosophy.

    • The student will be able to articulate creative and holistic solutions to social, philosophical, and ethical problems.

    • The student will be able to utilize experience gained in a practicum which presents the student with opportunities to implement the discipline of philosophy in his/her chosen field.