Course Crosslistings
Undergraduate courses | ||||||
Internship in Accounting | ||||||
Financial Accounting Theory | ||||||
Sophomore Portfolio Review | ||||||
Photography 1 | ||||||
Basic Digital Design | ||||||
Photography II | ||||||
Contemporary Advertising | ||||||
Web Design | ||||||
Visual Communication | ||||||
Graphic Design I | ||||||
Graphic Design II | ||||||
Lettering and Typography | ||||||
Photography Process and Practice | ||||||
Portfolio Research | ||||||
Drawing IV | ||||||
History of Graphic Design I | ||||||
Modern Art | ||||||
Special Topics in Art | ||||||
Advertising Design | ||||||
Color and Composition | ||||||
Illustration I | ||||||
Illustration II | ||||||
Special Topics in Art | ||||||
History of Graphic Design II | ||||||
Business of Photography | ||||||
Fine Arts in East Asia | ||||||
The Arts and the Creative Process | ||||||
Introduction to Scientific Literature | ||||||
Biochemistry | ||||||
Life Science 7-12 Seminar | ||||||
Essential of East Asian Language | ||||||
Teaching Ministry of the Church | ||||||
Practicum in Christian Studies | ||||||
Disability and Suffering | ||||||
Children's Ministry in the Church | ||||||
Student Ministry in the Church | ||||||
Small Group Ministry Design and Practice | ||||||
Opera Workshop | ||||||
Theater Practicum | ||||||
Introduction to Linguistics | ||||||
Political Communication | ||||||
Management and Communication in Film | ||||||
Communication Styles: A Key to Business Success | ||||||
Communication in the Digital Age | ||||||
Foundational Life Coaching I | ||||||
Foundational Life Coaching II | ||||||
Developing a Coaching Practice | ||||||
Professional Life Coaching Practicum | ||||||
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | ||||||
Quantum Information Processing | ||||||
Quantum Computing Algorithms | ||||||
Deep Learning | ||||||
Recreation Leadership | ||||||
Facilities and Logistics for Camp and Recreation | ||||||
Fundamentals of Criminal Law | ||||||
Juvenile Delinquency | ||||||
Constitutional Law | ||||||
Forensic Psychology | ||||||
Ethics in Law Enforcement | ||||||
Organization and Administration | ||||||
Crime and Drug Control | ||||||
Criminology | ||||||
Corrections | ||||||
Human Trafficking | ||||||
Research Methods | ||||||
Victim and Victimization | ||||||
Crisis Intervention | ||||||
Foundations for Early Childhood Education | ||||||
Money and Financial Institutions | ||||||
History of Free Market Thought | ||||||
Educational Psychology | ||||||
Development of Infants, Children, and Adolescents | ||||||
Foundations of Teaching | ||||||
Pedagogy of Kinesiology | ||||||
Elementary Core Subjects EC-6 Seminar | ||||||
EC-12 Physical Education Seminar | ||||||
Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Seminar | ||||||
Internship in Teaching I | ||||||
Internship in Teaching II | ||||||
Developmental Stages of Early Childhood Through Adolescence | ||||||
Students with Disabilities in the GenEd Classroom | ||||||
Introduction to Designing Instruction | ||||||
Studies in Classroom Management, Instruction and Assessment | ||||||
Designing and Implementing Instruction | ||||||
Pedagogy of Math | ||||||
Instructional Technology | ||||||
Classroom Discipline for the 21st Century | ||||||
Pedagogy of Fine Arts and Movement in the Elementary Classroom | ||||||
Secondary Pedagogy for Mathematics with Lab | ||||||
Secondary Pedagogy for English, Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) with Lab | ||||||
Secondary Pedagogy for Natural Sciences with Lab | ||||||
Secondary Pedagogy for History with Lab | ||||||
Secondary Pedagogy for Biology with Lab | ||||||
Clinical Teaching | ||||||
English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 Seminar | ||||||
Studies in Drama | ||||||
Studies in Fiction | ||||||
Studies in Poetry | ||||||
Shakespeare | ||||||
Modern Christian Authors | ||||||
Studies in Non-Fiction | ||||||
Special Topics in English | ||||||
Studies in Global Literature | ||||||
Introduction to Literary Theory | ||||||
Literature of East Asia | ||||||
Marketing in the Start-Up | ||||||
Entrepreneurial Finance | ||||||
Project Management Foundations | ||||||
New Product Development and Marketing | ||||||
Business as Mission | ||||||
Methods in Teaching ESL | ||||||
Science 4-8 Seminar | ||||||
Science 7-12 Seminar | ||||||
Pedagogy of Science | ||||||
History 7-12 Seminar | ||||||
European Church History | ||||||
American Church History | ||||||
American Cultural and Intellectual History | ||||||
Twentieth Century America | ||||||
Texas History | ||||||
Foundations of the American Republic | ||||||
Ancient History | ||||||
Topics in Latin American History | ||||||
The Renaissance and the Reformation Eras | ||||||
Medieval History | HIST 4320 | HIST 5308 |
Baptist History | HIST 4322 | RELI 4372 | HIST 5303 |
The American Civil War | HIST 4323 | MALA 5389 |
History and Culture of East Asia | HIST 4351 | MALA 5331 |
History of East Asian Philosophy and Religion | HIST 4352 | PHIL 4352 | RELI 4352 | MALA 5332 |
Understanding East Asian Civilization and Culture | HIST 4357 | SOCI 4357 | MALA 5306 |
Travel Study in East Asia | HIST 4359 | SOCI 4359 | MALA 5364 |
Understanding Japanese Society | HIST 4360 | MALA 5343 |
Global Leadership Practicum | INCS 4316 | MAGL 5316 |
Introduction to Missiology | INCS 4330 | MAGL 5330 |
Cross-Cultural Living and Ministry | INCS 4331 | MAGL 5331 |
Strategies for Missionary Work | INCS 4332 | MAGL 5332 |
Local Church on Mission | INCS 4333 | MAGL 5333 |
Chronological Bible Storying | INCS 4334 | MAGL 5334 |
Biographies of Outstanding Missionaries | INCS 4335 | MAGL 5335 |
Current Trends in Missions | INCS 4336 | MAGL 5336 |
Integrating Faith and Cultures | INCS 4340 | MAGL 5340 |
Global Christianity | INCS 4341 | MAGL 5341 |
Ethnography, Cultures, and Worldviews | INCS 4342 | MAGL 5342 |
Understanding Islam | INCS 4343 | MAGL 5343 |
Christianity in a Pluralistic World | INCS 4345 | RELI 4345 | THEO 5345 |
Special Topics in Intercultural Studies | INCS 4360 | MAGL 5360 |
Adapted Kinesiology (S-L) | KENS 2309 | SPED 2309 |
Beginning Tennis | KNES 1115 | KNES 1116 |
Intermediate Tennis | KNES 1116 | KNES 1115 |
Sports Ethics | KNES 3301 | SPRM 3301 |
Organization and Administration of Kinesiology and Athletic Programs | KNES 4302 | SPRM 4302 |
Psychology of Sport, Exercise, and Human Performance | KNES 4308 | PSYC 4308 |
A Christian Worldview of Business, Politics, and the Law | LED 3307 | POLS 3307 | MANA 3307 |
Introduction to Leadership | LED 4301 | MAL 5301 |
Vision-Casting and Leading Change | LED 4302 | MAL 5302 |
Crisis Leadership | LED 4306 | MAL 5304 |
Great Leaders in History | LED 4308 | MAL 5308 |
Leadership Across Boundaries: Travel Study | LED 4309 | MAL 5309 |
Special Topics in Leadership | LED 4310 | MAL 5310 |
Operations and Quality Management (AGP) | MANA 4301 | MANA 5333 | SCM 5333 |
Introduction to AI from a Business Perspective | MANA 4304 | MANA 5304 |
Christian Perspective in Management | MANA 4321 | MANA 5321 |
Global Initiatives in Management (AGP) | MANA 4340 | MANA 5311 |
Elementary Probability and Statistics | MATH 2301 | POLS 2303 | PSYC 2301 | SOCI 2303 |
Math 4-8 Seminar | MATH 4010 | MATH 5010 |
Math 7-12 Seminar | MATH 4011 | MATH 5011 |
Digital Marketing Principles (AGP) | MRKT 4306 | MRKT 5306 |
Social Media in Business (AGP) | MRKT 4307 | MRKT 5307 |
Consumer and Buyer Behavior (AGP) | MRKT 4345 | MRKT 5345 |
Jazz Ensemble | MUSI 1005, 1006 | MUSI 1105 | MUSI 1106 |
DBU Doxology | MUSI 1007, 1008 | MUSI 1107 | MUSI 1108 |
University Concert Chorale | MUSI 1015, 1016 | MUSI 1115 | MUSI 1116 |
Ensemble Lab | MUSI 1025, 1026 | MUSI 1125 | MUSI 1126 |
DBU Patriot Chorus (Tenor/Bass) | MUSI 1035, 1036 | MUSI 1135 | MUSI 1136 |
The DBU Rock Band | MUSI 1037, 1038 | MUSI 1137 | MUSI 1138 |
Guitar Ensemble | MUSI 1055, 1056 | MUSI 1155 | MUSI 1156 |
Opera Workshop | MUSI 1061 | COMA 1061 |
Piano Ensemble | MUSI 1067, 1068 | MUSI 1167 | MUSI 1168 |
Liberty Chorus (Treble) | MUSI 1086, 1087 | MUSI 1186 | MUSI 1187 |
Music All-level Seminar (S-L) | MUSI 4010 | MUSI 5010 |
Congregational Song | MUSI 4305 | MALA 5373 |
Ethnomusicology in Cross-Cultural Service | MUSI 4342 | RELI 4342 | MALA 5380 |
The Christian Worldview | PHIL 3304 | RELI 3374 |
Christian Apologetics | PHIL 4374 | RELI 4374 |
American Political Tradition | POLS 4305 | POLS 5318 |
Religion and Politics in the United States | POLS 4306 | POLS 5313 |
American Foreign Policy | POLS 4309 | HIST 4308 | HIST 5304 | POLS 5304 |
Fundamentals of International Relations (S-L) | POLS 4310 | POLS 5314 |
Municipal Government | POLS 4311 | SOCI 4311 | POLS 5315 |
Introduction to Public Administration | POLS 4312 | POLS 5316 |
Study of Aging | PSYC 3306 | SOCI 3306 |
Marriage and Family Systems | PSYC 3311 | SOCI 3311 |
Drug and Alcohol Problems | PSYC 3312 | SOCI 3312 |
Race and Ethnicity | PSYC 4301 | SOCI 4301 |
Social Psychology | PSYC 4303 | SOCI 4303 |
Human Growth and Development | PSYC 4316 | SOCI 4316 |
English Language Arts and Reading 4-8 Seminar | READ 4010 | READ 5010 |
Science of Teaching Reading Seminar | READ 4013 | READ 5013 |
Scaffolding Literacy Instruction | READ 4302 | READ 5302 |
Science of Teaching Reading | READ 4313 | READ 5313 |
Reading in the Content Area (AGP) | READ 4331 | READ 5331 |
Clinical for Diagnosing and Correcting Reading Difficulties (S-L) | READ 4333 | SPED 4333 | SPED 5333 | READ 5333 |
Studies in Diagnosing and Clinical Correction of Reading Difficulties (S-L) | READ 4334 | READ 5334 | SPED 5334 |
Pedagogy of Reading I (Phonics) (AGP) | READ 4335 | READ 5335 |
Pedagogy of Reading II (Comprehension) (AGP) | READ 4336 | READ 5336 |
Pedagogy of Reading III ( Literature and Visual Representation | READ 4337 | READ 5337 |
Pedagogy of Language Arts (AGP) | READ 4338 | READ 5338 |
The Gospels | RELI 4307 | THEO 5310 |
The Early Life and Letters of Paul | RELI 4321 | THEO 5321 |
The Later Life and Letters of Paul | RELI 4322 | THEO 5322 |
The General Epistles | RELI 4336 | THEO 5336 |
Special Topics in Theology and Religion | RELI 4360 | THEO 5360 |
Ministry Research and Writing Across Media (AGP) | RELI 4378 | MINS 5302 |
Urban Sociology | SOCI 4311 | POLS 4311 | POLS 5315 |
Pedagogy of Social Studies | SOST 4340 | SOST 5340 |
TExES Content EC-12 Special Education | SPED 4010 | SPED 5010 |
Introduction to Exceptional Learners | SPED 4310 | EDUC 5310 | SPED 5310 |
Pedagogy of Special Education | SPED 4320 | EDUC 5320 | SPED 5320 |
Legal, Procedural, and Program Practices in Special Education | SPED 4330 | EDUC 5330 | SPED 5330 |
graduate courses | ||||||
Internship in Accounting | ACCT 5310 | ACCT 4310 |
Financial Accounting Theory | ACCT 5332 | ACCT 4332 |
Accounting Business Ethics | ACCT 6320 | MANA 6320 |
Drawing and the Liberal Arts I | ART 5376 | ART 4303 |
Painting and the Liberal Arts | ART 5377 | ART 4309 | ART 4310 |
Ministry with Children | MACH 5312 | CHST 4306 | MALA 5361 |
Disability and Suffering | MACH 5313 | CHST 4304 |
Ministry to Families | MACH 6353 | MAFM 6353 |
Ethical Issues in Law Enforcement | CRJS 5320 | CRJS 4301 |
Principles of Organizations and Administration for Justice Professionals | CRJS 5321 | CRJS 4303 |
Crime and Drug Problems and Control | CRJS 5322 | CRJS 4306 |
Crime and Community | CRJS 5323 | CRJS 4307 | SOCI 4307 |
Correctional Theory and Application | CRJS 5324 | CRJS 4308 |
Research Methods in Criminal Justice | CRJS 5326 | CRJS 4317 | SOCI 4317 | PSYC 4317 |
Victim/Victimization | CRJS 5330 | CRJS 4330 | SOCI 4330 |
Crisis Intervention | CRJS 5332 | CRJS 4332 | PSYC 4332 | SOCI 4332 |
Assessing English Language Learners | EDBE 5320 | ESLS 5320 |
Linguistics for Reading and ESL | EDBE 5321 | ESLS 5321 | READ 5321 |
Foundations of Early Childhood Education | ECHE 5360 | ECHE 4360 |
Methods in Teaching ESL | ESLS 5304 | ESLS 4304 |
EC-12 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Seminar | EDUC 5021 | EDUC 4021 |
Developmental Stages of Early Childhood Through Adolescence | EDUC 5303 | EDUC 4303 |
Introduction to Exceptional Learners | EDUC 5310 | SPED 4310 | SPED 5310 |
Introduction to Designing Instruction | EDUC 5315 | EDUC 4315 |
Studies in Classroom Management, Instruction and Assessment | EDUC 5316 | EDUC 4316 |
Designing and Implementing Instruction | EDUC 5317 | EDUC 4317 |
Pedagogy of Math | EDUC 5318 | EDUC 4318 |
Pedagogy of Special Education | EDUC 5320 | SPED 4320 | SPED 5320 |
Internship in Teaching I | EDUC 5321 | EDUC 4301 |
Internship in Teaching II | EDUC 5322 | EDUC 4302 |
Classroom Discipline for the 21st Century | EDUC 5323 | EDUC 4323 |
Instructional Technology | EDUC 5325 | EDUC 4320 |
Legal, Procedural, and Program Practices in Special Education | EDUC 5330 | SPED 4330 | SPED 5330 |
Pedagogy of Fine Arts and Movement in the Elementary Classroom | EDUC 5334 | EDUC 4334 |
Secondary Pedagogy for Mathematics with Lab | EDUC 5435 | EDUC 4435 |
Secondary Pedagogy for English Language Arts and Reading with Lab | EDUC 5436 | EDUC 4436 |
Secondary Pedagogy for Natural Sciences with Lab | EDUC 5437 | EDUC 4437 |
Secondary Pedagogy for History with Lab | EDUC 5438 | EDUC 4438 |
Secondary Pedagogy for Biology with Lab | EDUC 5439 | EDUC 4439 |
Clinical Teaching | EDUC 5608 | EDUC 4608 |
The School and Multicultural Society | EDUC 6308 | EDSC 6308 |
English, Language Arts, and Reading 4-8 Seminar | READ 5010 | READ 4010 |
Science of Teaching Reading Seminar | READ 5013 | READ 4013 |
Scaffolding Literacy Instruction | READ 5302 | READ 4302 |
Science of Teaching Reading | READ 5313 | READ 4313 |
Reading in the Content Area | READ 5331 | READ 4331 |
Clinical Experiences in Correcting Reading Difficulties (S-L) | READ 5333 | READ 4333 | SPED 4333 | SPED 5333 |
Studies in Diagnosing and Clinical Correction of Reading Difficulties (S-L) | READ 5334 | READ 4334 | SPED 5334 |
Pedagogy of Reading I (Phonics) | READ 5335 | READ 4335 |
Pedagogy of Reading II (Comprehension) | READ 5336 | READ 4336 |
Pedagogy of Reading III (Literature and Visual Representation) | READ 5337 | READ 4337 |
Pedagogy of Language Arts | READ 5338 | READ 4338 |
Pedagogy of Science | GSCI 5320 | GSCI 4320 |
Life Science 7-12 Seminar | BIOL 5011 | BIOL 4011 |
Speech Seminar 7-12 | COMA 5010 | COMA 4010 |
EC-12 Physical Education Seminar | EDUC 5011 | EDUC 4011 |
English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 Seminar | ENGL 5011 | ENGL 4011 |
Science 4-8 Seminar | GSCI 5010 | GSCI 4010 |
Natural Science 7-12 Seminar | GSCI 5011 | GSCI 4011 |
History 7-12 Seminar | HIST 5011 | HIST 4011 |
Math 4-8 Seminar | MATH 5010 | MATH 4010 |
Math 7-12 Seminar | MATH 5011 | MATH 4011 |
Music All-Level Seminar | MUSI 5010 | MUSI 4010 |
Pedagogy of Social Studies | SOST 5340 | SOST 4340 |
Small Group Ministry Design and Practice | MAEML 5310 | CHST 4310 |
Student Ministry in the Church | MAEML 5313 | CHST 4307 | MALA 5362 |
Introduction to Linguistics | ENGL 5302 | ENGL 4301 | COMA 4302 | MALA 5342 |
Introduction to Literary Theory | ENGL 5319 | ENGL 4319 |
Studies in Global Literature | ENGL 5340 | ENGL 4317 |
Modern Christian Authors | ENGL 5341 | ENGL 4314 |
Studies in Fiction | ENGL 5344 | ENGL 4309 |
Special Topics in English | ENGL 5346 | ENGL 4316 |
Studies in Drama | ENGL 5347 | ENGL 4303 |
Studies in Poetry | ENGL 5348 | ENGL 4311 |
Shakespeare | ENGL 5349 | ENGL 4312 |
Master's Thesis I | ENGL 6305 | HIST 6305 |
Master's Thesis II | ENGL 6306 | HIST 6306 |
Global Leadership Practicum (S-L) | MAGL 5316 | INCS 4316 |
Introduction to Missiology | MAGL 5330 | INCS 4330 |
Cross Cultural Living and Ministry | MAGL 5331 | INCS 4331 |
Strategies for Missionary Work | MAGL 5332 | INCS 4332 |
Local Church on Mission | MAGL 5333 | INCS 4333 |
Chronological Bible Storying | MAGL 5334 | INCS 4334 |
Biographies of Outstanding Missionaries | MAGL 5335 | INCS 4335 |
Current Trends in Missions | MAGL 5336 | INCS 4336 |
Integrating Faith and Cultures | MAGL 5340 | INCS 4340 |
Global Christianity | MAGL 5341 | INCS 4341 |
Ethnography, Cultures and Worldviews | MAGL 5342 | INCS 4342 |
Understanding Islam | MAGL 5343 | INCS 4343 |
Business as Mission (S-L) | MAGL 5345 | ENTR 4345 |
Special Topics in Intercultural Studies | MAGL 5360 | INCS 4360 |
Western Church History | HIST 5301 | HIST 4303 | RELI 4370 |
History of Religion in America | HIST 5302 | HIST 4304 | RELI 4371 |
Baptist History | HIST 5303 | HIST 4322 | RELI 4372 |
American Diplomatic History | HIST 5304 | HIST 4308 | POLS 4309 | POLS 5304 |
History of Texas | HIST 5305 | HIST 4309 |
Medieval History | HIST 5308 | HIST 4320 |
The Twentieth Century | HIST 5312 | HIST 4307 |
Ancient Civilizations | HIST 5354 | HIST 4311 |
History of the Reformation | HIST 5357 | HIST 4319 | RELI 4373 |
Foundations of the American Republic | HIST 5388 | HIST 4310 |
Quantum Information Processing | MSITM 5351 | COSC 4351 | PHYS 4351 |
Quantum Computing Algorithms | MSITM 5352 | COSC 4352 | PHYS 4352 |
Introduction to Leadership | MAL 5301 | LED 4301 |
Vision-Casting and Leading Change | MAL 5302 | LED 4302 |
Crisis Leadership | MAL 5304 | LED 4306 |
Great Leaders in History | MAL 5308 | LED 4308 |
Leadership Across Boundaries: Travel Study | MAL 5309 | LED 4309 |
Special Topics in Leadership | MAL 5310 | LED 4310 |
Global Internship (S-L) | MAL 5311 | MAIR 5311 |
Servant Leadership and Worldviews (S-L) | MALA 5302 | MAPD 5302 |
Understanding East Asian Civilization and Culture | MALA 5306 | HIST 4357 | SOCI 4357 |
Essentials of East Asian Language | MALA 5309 | CHIN 4358 |
Communication Styles: A Key to Business Success | MALA 5322 | COMA 4319 | MANA 4319 |
Communication in the Digital Age | MALA 5325 | COMA 4325 |
Topics in Latin American History | MALA 5328 | HIST 4315 |
Color and Composition | MALA 5329 | ART 4327 | COMA 4327 |
History and Culture of East Asia | MALA 5331 | HIST 4351 |
History of East Asian Philosophy and Religion (S-L) | MALA 5332 | HIST 4352 | PHIL 4352 | RELI 4352 |
Fine Arts in East Asia | MALA 5333 | ART 4353 | MUSI 4353 |
Literature of East Asia | MALA 5334 | ENGL 4354 |
Illustration I | MALA 5336 | ART 4328 | COMA 4328 |
Illustration II | MALA 5337 | ART 4329 | COMA 4329 |
Understanding Japanese Society | MALA 5343 | HIST 4360 |
Studies in Nonfiction | MALA 5345 | ENGL 4315 |
Teaching Ministry of the Church | MALA 5358 | CHST 4301 |
History of Graphic Design I | MALA 5359 | ART 4318 | COMA 4318 |
Advertising Design (S-L) | MALA 5363 | ART 4321 | COMA 4321 |
Travel Study in East Asia | MALA 5364 | HIST 4359 | SOCI 4359 |
History of Modern Art | MALA 5369 | ART 4319 |
U.S. Intellectual and Social History | MALA 5371 | HIST 4305 |
The Arts and the Creative Process | MALA 5372 | ART 4380 | COMA 4380 | MUSI 4380 |
Hymnology | MALA 5373 | MUSI 4305 |
Theater Practicum | MALA 5379 | COMA 4371 | MUSI 4371 |
Ethnomusicology in Cross-Cultural Service | MALA 5380 | MUSI 4342 | RELI 4342 |
Special Topics in Communication | MALA 5383 | ART 4330 | COMA 4330 |
Special Topics in Art | MALA 5385 | ART 4320 |
The American Civil War | MALA 5389 | HIST 4323 |
Global Initiatives in Management | MANA 5311 | MANA 4340 |
Christian Perspectives in Management | MANA 5321 | MANA 4321 |
Operations and Quality Management | MANA 5333 | MANA 4301 | SCM 5333 |
Managing Risk | MANA 6307 | PROJ 6302 | SCM 6330 |
Digital Marketing Principles | MRKT 5306 | MRKT 4306 |
Social Media in Business | MRKT 5307 | MRKT 4307 |
New Product Development and Marketing | MRKT 5331 | ENTR 4331 | MRKT 4331 |
Consumer and Buyer Behavior | MRKT 5345 | MRKT 4345 |
Ministry Research and Writing Across Media | MINS 5302 | RELI 4378 |
Political Communication | POLS 5311 | COMA 4315 | POLS 4315 |
Religion and Politics in the United States | POLS 5313 | POLS 4306 |
International Relations | POLS 5314 | POLS 4310 |
Municipal Government and Urban Development | POLS 5315 | POLS 4311 | SOCI 4311 |
Study of Public Administration | POLS 5316 | POLS 4312 |
Comparing Government Structures and Political Systems | POLS 5317 | MAIR 5317 |
American Political Tradition | POLS 5318 | POLS 4305 |
Foundational Life Coaching I | MAPD 5310 | COMA 4350 |
Foundational Life Coaching II | MAPD 5315 | COMA 4351 |
Developing a Coach Practice | MAPD 5316 | COMA 4352 |
Professional Life Coaching Practicum | MAPD 5317 | COMA 4353 |
Project Management Foundations | PROJ 5301 | ENTR 4325 |
The Gospels | THEO 5310 | RELI 4307 |
The Early Life and Letters of Paul | THEO 5321 | RELI 4321 |
The Later Life and Letters of Paul | THEO 5322 | RELI 4322 |
The General Epistles | THEO 5336 | RELI 4336 |
Christianity in a Pluralistic World | THEO 5345 | INCS 4345 | RELI 4345 |
Special Topics in Theology and Religion | THEO 5360 | RELI 4360 |
Global Leadership in Educational Ministry | LEAD 7430 | LEAD 7431 | LEAD 7432 |
Strategic Planning in Educational Ministry | LEAD 7465 | LEAD 7475 | LEAD 7485 |
Leading Change in Ministry Organizations | LEAD 7466 | LEAD 7476 | LEAD 7486 |
Foundations of Leadership | LEAD 8306 | EDDL 8306 | PHDL 8306 |
Statistics I | LEAD 7320 | PHDL 7320 |
Research Methods | LEAD 8305 | PHDL 8305 | EDDL 8305 |
Special Topics in Business | PHDB 7309 | PHDG | PHDH | PHDM 7309 |
Leadership, Ethics, and Social Responsibility | PHDB 7314 | PHDG 7314 |
Jerusalem, Israel, and the World: Identity, Faith, and Leadership | PHDM 7316 | PHDB | PHDG | PHDH 7309 | EDDH | EDDM 7316 |
Academic Reading/Writing | LEAD 7330 | LEAD 7360 | LEAD 7370 | LEAD 7380 | ||
Intelligence in Leadership and Learning | LEAD 7334 | LEAD 7364 | LEAD 7374 | LEAD 7384 | ||
Strategic Planning in….. | LEAD 7335 | LEAD 7365 | LEAD 7375 | LEAD 7385 | ||
Leading Change in Organizations … | LEAD 7336 | LEAD 7366 | LEAD 7376 | LEAD 7386 |