BA.POLS - Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
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The mission of Dallas Baptist University's Political Science program is to foster an appreciation for the study of government and politics and to encourage students to become informed and concerned participants in a democratic society. To achieve this purpose, the program offers a broad introduction to political institutions, processes, and behavior. In doing so, the program seeks to produce servant leaders who have the ability to integrate faith and learning through their respective callings.
Goals of the Political Science Major
Expose students to foundational courses in American national government and state and local government.
Offer a variety of upper-level courses in the areas of American government, comparative governments, international relations, political theory, constitutional law, and public administration.
Provide a broad liberal arts background for those students intending to enter public service, to attend law school, or to pursue graduate study.
Encourage students to take advantage of practical learning opportunities through internship programs.