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MEDT.EDUC - Master of Education in Teaching

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GR Master of Education (MED)

Program Description

The graduate program will focus on developing teachers who will be skilled in leadership, curriculum design, and advanced instructional strategies.

Additional Program Information

The MEd in Teaching is a non-thesis professional degree varying from 30-42 hours. The MEd in Teaching may be combined with other requirements to allow an individual to earn a master's degree and one of the following certifications:

  • Core Subjects with Science of Teaching Reading: Early Childhood-Grade 6 Certification (42 hours minimum)

  • English, Language Arts, and Reading with Science of Teaching Reading: Grades 4-8 Certification (36 hours minimum)

  • 4-8 Mathematics Certification (36 hours minimum)

  • 4-8 Science Certification (36 hours minimum)

  • Secondary 7-12 Certification (37 hours minimum)

  • EC-12 Physical Education (Kinesiology) Certification (36 hours minimum)

  • EC-12 Special Education (30 hours minimum)

Specializations (without certification) in the MEd in Teaching degree include:

  • Early Childhood-Grade 6  (36 hours minimum)

  • Secondary (30 hours minimum)

  • EC-12 (36 hours minimum)

  • English as a Second Language (30 hours minimum)

  • Montessori: (Approved Shelton Students only)

    • Childhood (30 hours minimum)

    • Elementary I (33 hours minimum)

  • Multisensory (30 hours minimum)* (Approved Shelton Students only)

*The MEd in Teaching Multisensory specialization is accredited by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA), for having met the standards outlined in the IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading


In addition to the Graduate Program requirements, students are required to take the representative Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) Content exam by Pre-Admission Content Test (PACT).  The minimum acceptable PACT content area score is generally 240 for all content areas assessed by the examination. 

  • Master of Education in Teaching – Students must pass the PACT entrance exam within the first 12 hours of master’s courses. 

  • Pathways to Teaching – Students must pass the PACT entrance exam before acceptance to DBU, as this is a certification only route. 

International students must also demonstrate English language proficiency by taking the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The minimum acceptable scores for the TOEFL in the High Intermediate Proficiency level are Speaking 20-24, Listening 17-21, Reading 18-23, Writing 17-23. (These are required by Texas State legislation and enforced by the Texas Education Agency). The DBU standard of English language proficiency may exceed the minimum requirements listed in Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 230; Subchapter B (5) for native speakers of English and/or second language speakers. 


Because of Dallas Baptist University’s quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs.

Candidates seeking Texas Teacher Certification will be expected to defend their degree through a Lesson Plan Presentation. This presentation will be evaluated by the Educator Preparation Program Committee for assessment as evidence of the program success in either the fall or spring semester, prior to beginning EDUC 5608 Clinical Teaching or EDUC 5321 Internship I. Candidates are to follow the Defense of Degree Lesson Plan guidelines provided by the College of Education. This course is taken for credit only and does not affect the student's GPA (CR/NC).

Master of Education in Teaching (MEdT Non-Certification):  EDUC 6010 Defense of Degree is a capstone collection of signature assessments and artifacts with reflections that demonstrate a candidate’s personal growth, development, and acquisition of knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

A web-based format will be utilized by the candidate to enhance the presentation and to justify why the degree should be awarded to the candidate. The candidate’s formal defense will be presented to members of the Defense of Degree Committee and will take place on the main campus each semester.

Candidates must register for the Defense of Degree course as prescribed in their degree plan during the semester in which they will present their defense of degree. Practicing teachers, administrators, consultants, superintendents, guidance directors, personnel directors, and Educational Region Service Center personnel, as well as DBU professors and administrators, volunteer their time for this highly selective process.