CERT.SPED.CHLMN.GR - Advanced Certificate in Special Needs Children's Ministry
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Program Description
This 15-credit hour program is designed to provide ministry leaders a framework for understanding areas of special needs that may be encountered when working with children in the local church. In addition, this certificate will guide students to provide leadership that raises the awareness of the need to progress toward greater inclusion of children and their families into the life of the community of faith and provide accommodations that make that participation possible.
Additional Program Information
Note: Church Membership Requirement (for Admission into the Master’s Ministry Degrees, Advanced Ministry Certificate Programs, EDD in Educational Leadership—all concentrations, and PHD in Leadership Studies’ Ministry Concentration): Within the last 12 months, the applicant must have been an active member of a Christian church that holds Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who holds solely the Old Testament and the New Testament as sacred Scripture.