Department: English

Code Name Description
ENGL1107 Topics in Creative Writing An introduction to the foundational principles of one of three creative writing genres: poetry, fiction, or creative non-fiction. Major emphasis is on the composition of poems, short fiction, personal narrative, and/or reflective journaling. The clas...
ENGL1107SB Topics in Creative Writing An introduction to the foundational principles of one of three creative writing genres: poetry, fiction, or creative non-fiction. Major emphasis is on the composition of poems, short fiction, personal narrative, and/or reflective journaling. The clas...
ENGL1301 Composition and Rhetoric I A course for students to develop skills in writing and reading. Major emphasis is on the composition of multi-paragraph essays, using a variety of rhetorical devices. The selected readings are employed to illustrate effective writing and to develop c...
ENGL1301HS Composition and Rhetoric I A course for students to develop skills in writing and reading. Major emphasis is on the composition of multi-paragraph essays, using a variety of rhetorical devices. The selected readings are employed to illustrate effective writing and to develop c...
ENGL1302 Composition and Rhetoric II A continuation of English 1301/1401 emphasizing analytical reading, research, writing, revision, and critical thinking.
ENGL1302HS Composition and Rhetoric II A continuation of English 1301/1401 emphasizing analytical reading, research, writing, revision, and critical thinking. For Honors Scholars Academy students only.
ENGL1401 Composition and Rhetoric I A course for non-native English speaking students to develop skills in writing and reading. Major emphasis is on the composition of multi-paragraph essays, using a variety of rhetorical devices. Extra time is given to the development of English vocab...
ENGL2191 Independent Study in English Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
ENGL2301 World Literature I An introduction to world masterpieces from the earliest periods through the Renaissance. Attention is given to the historical context of these works and their contributions to the development of civilization.
ENGL2301HS World Literature I An introduction to world masterpieces from the earliest periods through the Renaissance. Attention is given to the historical context of these works and their contributions to the development of civilization. For Honors Scholar Academy students only.
ENGL2302 World Literature II An introduction to world masterpieces from the Enlightenment to the present. Attention is given to the historical context of these works and their contributions to the development of civilization.
ENGL2302HS World Literature II An introduction to world masterpieces from the Enlightenment to the present. Attention is given to the historical context of these works and their contributions to the development of civilization. For Honors Scholar Academy students only.
ENGL2390 Independent Study in English Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
ENGL3301 American Literature I An advanced-level survey of American literature from the Colonial Period through the Civil War. Emphasis is on the literary significance of selected writers and the social context in which they wrote.
ENGL3302 American Literature II An advanced-level survey of American literature from the Reconstruction Era to the present. Emphasis is on the literary significance of selected writers and the social context in which they wrote.
ENGL3305 Advanced Written Communication Study of rhetorical situation, audience analysis, genre theory, and technical writing theories will provide a basis for ascertaining appropriate and ethical strategies for community building and civic discourse. Reflection in Biblical scripture in re...
ENGL3306 Advanced Rhetoric Study of key principles of rhetoric will provide a complex understanding of rhetoric's history, relationship with faith, and connections to culture, literature, and vocation. Major emphasis is on a Christian evaluation of the theory and application o...
ENGL3307 Creative Writing Theory and practice of creative writing in a variety of genres including nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry. This course will provide a foundation for critiquing, polishing, and marketing creative writing that incorporates Christian faith and Bib...
ENGL3313 British Literature I This upper-level survey course acquaints students with selected masterpieces of British literature from its origins to the eighteenth century. The course requires reading of and research into the ideas and styles that dominated Old English, Middle En...
ENGL3314 British Literature II A continuation of English 3313 with emphasis on the major British writers from Blake to the present. The course requires reading of and research into the ideas and styles that dominated the Romantic Movement, the Victorian Period, Modern and Postmode...
ENGL3320 Internship in English A supervised field placement that provides the student with the opportunity of integrating theory and classroom learning with actual field experience. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
ENGL3390 Independent Study in English Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
ENGL3391 Themes of Faith in Literature This is an experimental course and is not listed,in the current version of the Dallas Baptist,University Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate,Catalog. Experimental courses are identified by a,'9' as the third digit of the course number (e.g.,,ENGL 2390)...
ENGL4190 Independent Study in English Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
ENGL4301 Introduction to Linguistics An introduction to the core linguistic areas of morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax and related topics -- with an emphasis on syntax and its application in stylistic analysis.
ENGL4303 Studies in Drama May concentrate upon a specific era or specific genre of drama. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for these courses may only be accomplished under courses with the same topic and content.
ENGL4309 Studies in Fiction May concentrate upon a specific era or specific genre of novels or short stories. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for these courses may only be accomplished under courses with the same topic and content.
ENGL4311 Studies in Poetry May concentrate upon a specific era or specific genre of poetry. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for these courses may only be accomplished under courses with the same topic and content.
ENGL4312 Shakespeare A study of representative histories, comedies, and tragedies by Shakespeare with attention to the sources and backgrounds of his plays and to the significance of his works.
ENGL4314 Modern Christian Authors This course will acquaint students with one or more Modern Christian authors and their works. The students will be called upon to respond, in oral and written formats, to selected authors. May be repeated for credit when content changes.
ENGL4315 Studies in Non-Fiction May concentrate upon a specific era or specific genre of nonfiction. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for these courses may only be accomplished under courses with the same topic and content.
ENGL4316 Special Topics in English Concentrates on specialized areas of literature. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for special topics courses may only be accomplished under special topics courses with the same topic and content.
ENGL4317 Studies in Global Literature A study of selected texts from global literature with an emphasis upon texts from non-western regions. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for these courses may only be accomplished under courses with the same topic a...
ENGL4319 Introduction to Literary Theory This course is an introduction to major currents in contemporary literary theory and their practical application to the study of literature. Topics may include structuralism, New Criticism, deconstruction, psychoanalytic theory, gender theory, post-c...
ENGL4354 Literature of East Asia This course will explore selected literary masterpieces of China, Japan, and Korea from the earliest periods until modern times. This course will explore selected masterpieces of China, Japan, and Korea from the earliest periods through the nineteent...
ENGL4390 Independent Study in English Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
ENGL5302 Introduction to Linguistics An introduction to the core linguistic areas of morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax, and related topics - with an emphasis on syntax and its application in stylistic analysis. This 5000-level course is cross-listed with a 4000-level...
ENGL5319 Introduction to Literary Theory This course is an introduction to major currents in contemporary literary theory and their practical application to the study of literature. Topics may include structuralism, New Criticism, deconstruction, psychoanalytic theory, gender theory, post-c...
ENGL5340 Studies in Global Literature A study of literature that has emerged outside the western tradition, allowing for an examination of the rich diversity that comes from literature from other cultures around the globe. The majority of texts will be from non-western regions. Students...
ENGL5341 Modern Christian Authors This course will acquaint students with one or more Modern Christian authors and their works. The students will be called upon to respond, in oral and written formats, to selected authors. May be repeated for credit when content changes. This 5000-le...
ENGL5344 Studies in Fiction May concentrate upon a specific era or specific genre of novels or short stories. May be repeated for credit when the content changes. Grade replacement for these courses may only be accomplished under courses with the same topic and content. This 5...
ENGL5346 Special Topics in English Concentrates on specialized areas of literature. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for special topics courses may only be accomplished under special topics courses with the same topic and content. This 50000-level co...
ENGL5347 Studies in Drama May concentrate upon a specific era or specific genre of drama. May be repeated for credit when the content changes. Grade replacement for these courses may only be accomplished under courses with the same topic and content. This 5000-level course i...
ENGL5348 Studies in Poetry May concentrate upon a specific era or genre of poetry. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for these courses may only be accomplished under courses with the same topic and content. This 5000-level course is cross-list...
ENGL5349 Shakespeare A study of representative histories, comedies, and tragedies by Shakespeare with attention to the sources and background of his plays, to the Elizabethan scene, and to the significance of his works. Emphasis is placed upon research in critical and ba...
ENGL5390 Independent Study in English Independent Study courses are devised by, professors to permit students to explore material, not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
ENGL6305 Master's Thesis I This course involves a scholarly, researched treatment of a topic of interest to the student, guided by an advising professor in tutorial fashion. This process includes attending a seminar to help the student identify research questions, to choose th...
ENGL6306 Master's Thesis II This course is a continuation of ENGL 6305 and involves a scholarly, researched treatment of a topic of interest to the student, guided by an advising professor in tutorial fashion. The resulting thesis or project portfolio will typically be from 55-...
ENGL6390 Independent Study in English Independent Study courses are devised by, professors to permit students to explore material, not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
ENGL6391 Independent Study in English Independent Study courses are devised by, professors to permit students to explore material, not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
ENGLELEC English Elective A generic course used for the External Transcript Equivalency Process. If the course does not have an equivalency but will meet subject area, the ELEC is used along with the appropriate department to state the course is accepted with in the subject...