Department: Education

Code Name Description
EDUC3302 Development of Infants, Children, andAdolescents An interdisciplinary course emphasizing the psychosocial development of the child from conception through adolescence. A study is made of the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral development of the child. An interdisciplinary course e...
EDUC3313 Foundations of Teaching This course is an introductory course in education that will explore the requirements for becoming a certified teacher in Texas. Through this study, teacher candidates in this class will be expected to confirm that they are well-suited for entering t...
EDUC3320 Instructional Assessment This course is required for all certification students in the College of Education. The teacher candidate will explore the full range of assessment in the classroom. Candidates will be asked to define and recognize norm referenced and criterion refer...
EDUC3345 Pedagogy of Kinesiology This course covers knowledge and skills in movement areas such as movement education, games, sports, stunts, tumbling and gymnastics, physical fitness, and rhythmic activities as well as physical health and safety and social development through movem...
EDUC3390 Independent Study in Education Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
EDUC4010 Elementary Core Subjects EC-6 Seminar This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing...
EDUC4011 EC-12 Physical Education Seminar This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state-authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing...
EDUC4021 EC-12 Pedagogy and ProfessionalResponsibilities Seminar This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing...
EDUC4030 Defense of Teacher Certification Because of Dallas Baptist University's quest for meaningful assessment of teacher candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. Candidates seeking Texas Teacher Certification will be expected to defend the...
EDUC4301 Internship in Teaching I Designed to meet the state guidelines for educators who are working toward teacher certification, but are not enrolled in the traditional student teaching program. Interns are individuals who are currently employed as 'teachers of record' by their re...
EDUC4302 Internship in Teaching II A continuation of Internship in Teaching I.
EDUC4303 Developmental Stages of Early ChildhoodThrough Adolescence The course includes an examination of the psychosocial development of the child from conception through adolescence-noting physical, intellectual, emotional, social and moral factors. Respected age-appropriate theories of education and their practica...
EDUC4312 Teaching Special Populations This course will prepare the teacher candidate to work with special populations including, but not limited to, English Language Learners, Special Education students (including gifted and talented), 504 Student, diverse socio-economic groups, and dive...
EDUC4313 Classroom Management and Organization inCulturally Diverse Settings This course focuses on research-based strategies in elementary, middle school, and secondary classrooms designed to create positive learning environments in culturally diverse field-based settings. Emphasis is given to strategies that promote the org...
EDUC4314 Best Practices in Teaching The focus of this course is to investigate the principles of brain based learning and apply them to the classroom. Students will learn about the best practices for teaching students in order to promote effective learning. This course contains a field...
EDUC4315 Introduction to Designing Instruction An introductory course designed to include the aspects required for effective classroom instruction by a certified teacher in Texas. Through this study, teacher candidates in this class will be expected to understand effective classroom instruction,...
EDUC4316 Studies in Classroom Management,Instruction and Assessment The course focuses on research-based strategies in elementary and secondary classrooms designed to create positive learning environments, to organize and manage classrooms, to respond effectively to disruptive behaviors, to improve instruction and ac...
EDUC4317 Designing and Implementing Instruction This course is designed to continue building on the designing of a lesson plan for effective delivery of instruction. Candidates will become proficient in planning all parts of the DBU lesson plan, emphasizing the areas of content knowledge and accom...
EDUC4318 Pedagogy of Math This course will provide the students with information about the best practices for teaching mathematics to students in grades EC-8. The students will investigate the research that confirms how students learn best and how to apply that information to...
EDUC4320 Instructional Technology This course is designed to expose educators to the technology currently available for the educational environment. Students will get hands-on experience on all current educational technologies and participate in class discussions based on advantages...
EDUC4323 Classroom Discipline for the 21stCentury This course focuses on current research-based strategies in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms designed to create a positive learning environment. Emphasis is given to behaviors that disrupt the learning environment, trauma informed pract...
EDUC4334 Pedagogy of Fine Arts and Movement inElementary Classroom This course is required by all EC-6 certification students in the College of Education. The teacher candidate will explore music, visual arts, and movement and their impact on instruction and learning in a regular classroom setting.
EDUC4392 Independent Study in Education Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
EDUC4395 Application of Instructional MethodsPracticum This is an experimental course and is not listed in the current version of the Dallas Baptist University Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog. Experimental courses are identified by a '9' as the third digit of the course number (e.g., ENGL 2390)...
EDUC4435 Secondary Pedagogy for Mathematics withLab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in math discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in math at his/her certification level using various teaching strategies.
EDUC4436 Secondary Pedagogy for English,Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) withLab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in English, language arts, and reading (ELAR) discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in ELAR at his/her certification leve...
EDUC4437 Secondary Pedagogy for Natural Scienceswith Lab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in the natural sciences discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in science at his/her certification level using various tea...
EDUC4438 Secondary Pedagogy for History withLab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in history discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in history at his/her certification level using various teaching strateg...
EDUC4439 Secondary Pedagogy for Biology withLab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in biology discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in biology at his/her certification level using various teaching strateg...
EDUC4608 Clinical Teaching This course provides students seeking certification the opportunity to observe, assist, and teach under the supervision of experienced teachers in locally accredited schools. Students will be required to (a) provide their own transportation to the sc...
EDUC5010 Elementary Core Subjects EC-6Seminar This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the National Evaluation...
EDUC5011 EC-12 Physical Education Seminar This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards(TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing S...
EDUC5021 EC-12 Pedagogy and ProfessionalResponsibilities Seminar This required course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES). The course will focus on content and sample questions from state authorized preparation manuals distributed by the Educational Testing...
EDUC5030 Defense of Degree MEdT and Certificate Because of Dallas Baptist University's quest for meaningful assessment of teacher candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. Candidates seeking Texas Teacher Certification will be expected to defend the...
EDUC5302 Lifespan Human Development A study in developmental psychology which focuses on physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and personality development from conception to death within the context of basic theories of development.
EDUC5303 Developmental Stages of Early ChildhoodThrough Adolescence This course surveys currently respected theories for educating the young child, along with their practical applications. Curriculum and materials will be examined and evaluated as related to state standards and a developmentally appropriate approach...
EDUC5310 Introduction to Exceptional Learners Learning styles and effective teaching strategies for exceptional learners using the application of research on identification, assessment, teaching, and technology for the full range of exceptional learners including learning different to gifted-and...
EDUC5315 Introduction to Designing Instruction An introductory course designed to include the aspects required for effective classroom instruction by a certified teacher in Texas. Through this study, teacher candidates in this class will be expected to understand effective classroom instruction,...
EDUC5316 Studies in Classroom ManagementInstruction and Assessment The course focuses on research-based strategies in elementary and secondary classrooms designed to create positive learning environments, to organize and manage classrooms, to respond effectively to disruptive behaviors, to improve instruction and ac...
EDUC5317 Designing and Implementing Instruction This course is designed to continue building on the designing of a lesson plan for effective delivery of instruction. Candidates will become proficient in planning all parts of the DBU lesson plan, emphasizing the areas of content knowledge and accom...
EDUC5318 Pedagogy of Math This course will provide the students with information about the best practices for teaching mathematics to students in grades EC-8. The students will investigate the research that confirms how students learn best and how to apply that information to...
EDUC5319 Application of Instructional MethodsPracticum Students will examine instructional, assessment, and management strategies designed to promote effective learning and apply these strategies in a field-based setting. Students will conduct observations of practicing teachers and reflect on the applic...
EDUC5320 Pedagogy of Special Education The course addresses effective methods and practices for teaching students with disabilities to include learner characteristics, learner needs, and the delivery of instructional strategies, resources, and supports to ensure student success. This 5000...
EDUC5321 Internship in Teaching I Designed to meet the state guidelines for educators who are working toward teacher certification, but are not enrolled in the traditional student teaching program. Interns are individuals who are currently employed by their respective school distric...
EDUC5321PT Internship in Teaching I Designed to meet the state guidelines for educators who are working toward teacher certification but are not enrolled in the traditional student teaching program. Interns are individuals who are currently employed by their respective school district...
EDUC5322 Internship in Teaching II Designed to meet the state guidelines for educators who are working toward teacher certification but are not enrolled in the traditional student teaching program. Interns are individuals who are currently employed by their respective school district...
EDUC5323 Discipline for the 21st CenturyCentury This course focuses on current research-based strategies in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms designed to create a positive learning environment. Emphasis is given to behaviors that disrupt the learning environment, trauma informed pract...
EDUC5325 Instructional Technology This course is designed to expose educators to the technology currently availible for the educational environment. Students will get hands-on experience on all current educational technologies and participate in class discussions based on advantages...
EDUC5330 Legal, Procedural, and Program PracticesIn Special Education This course examines the identification, assessment and instruction of students with special needs. Emphasis will be placed on the presentation of special education roles, placement alternatives, legal implications, current status and trends in speci...
EDUC5334 Pedagogy of Fine Arts and MovementIn Elementary Classroom This course is required by all EC-6 certification students in the College of Education. The teacher candidate will explore music, visual arts, and movement and their impact on instruction and learning in a regular classroom setting. This 5000-level c...
EDUC5340 Teaching Written Language Skills in aMultisensory Structured LanguageApproach This course trains participants in the use of a multisensory structured language program for students with specific language disabilities, dyslexia and related disorders.
EDUC5341 Therapeutic Analysis of Written LanguageDisorders This course trains participants in the therapeutic analysis of written language disorders and the use of a multisensory structured language program for students with specific language disabilities, dyslexia and related disorders.
EDUC5342 Classroom Management of the LearningDifferent Student This course is a series of one-day seminars that contrasts the development of the average child with the at-risk student and gives practical methods of facilitating learning for the LD student.
EDUC5343 Classroom Instruction of the LearningDifferent Student This course is a series of Saturday seminars which begins with the history of language and includes oral language development. The importance of the auditory processing component in language acquisition is stressed. Written language is also discuss...
EDUC5344 Diagnosing Learning Different Children This course investigates the milestones of development in the average child from birth through adolescence, with emphasis on the red flags that may appear in a child with learning differences. These red flags may signify a need for referral by the c...
EDUC5345 Teaching Written Language Skills With anAlphabetic Phonetics Approach This course introduces participants to a variety of concepts related to the identification of a student with specific language disabilities and concepts related to the teaching of those students. The course also trains participants in the use of a m...
EDUC5350 Written Language Skills Intervention forStudents With Dyslexia This course introduces participants to a variety of concepts related to the identification of a student with specific language disabilities and concepts related to teaching those students. In addition, the course trains students in the use of multise...
EDUC5351 Therapeutic Implementation of WrittenLanguage Skills Intervention for StudentWith Dyslexia The primary objective is to prepare students to implement therapeutically a variety of concepts related to the identification of a student with specific language disabilities and concepts related to teaching those students. The course expands the tra...
EDUC5352 Theory to Practice The course prepares participants to implement therapeutically a variety of concepts related to the identification of a student with specific language disabilities and concepts related to teaching those students. The course expands the training in the...
EDUC5360 Introduction to MontessoriPhilosophy and Observation The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). The cou...
EDUC5361 Montessori Practical Life & Philosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). Practic...
EDUC5362 Montessori Sensorial and Philosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). The cou...
EDUC5363 Montessori Early ChildhoodMathematics and Philosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). This co...
EDUC5364 Montessori Early Childhood LanguageArts and Philosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). This c...
EDUC5365 Montessori Cultures and Philosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). This c...
EDUC5366 Montessori Early Childhood Content AreasAnd Philosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6-9 year old child). This cour...
EDUC5368 Montessori Child Development This course provides students in the MET with Montessori specialization Early Childhood concentration the philosophy and rationale of the Early Childhood (2 ½ through 6 years of age) Montessori child development and presents the lessons as they relat...
EDUC5369 Montessori Early Childhood ClassroomLeadership The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6-9 year old child). This cour...
EDUC5370 Montessori Elementary MathematicsI and Philosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). The co...
EDUC5371 Montessori Elementary Level IMathematics II and Philosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). The cou...
EDUC5372 Montessori Elementary Language ArtsI and Philosophy This course provides students in the MET with Montessori specialization Elementary I concentration the philosophy and rationale of the Elementary I Montessori Language Arts I and Philosophy and presents the lessons as they relate to the Montessori la...
EDUC5373 Montessori Elementary Language ArtsII and Philosophy This course provides students in the MET with Montessori specialization Elementary I concentration the philosophy and rationale of the Elementary I Montessori Language Arts II and Philosophy and presents the lessons as they relate to the Montessori l...
EDUC5374 Montessori Elementary BiologicalScience and Philosophy This course provides students in the MET with Montessori specialization Elementary I concentration the philosophy and rationale of the Elementary I Montessori Biological Sciences and Philosophy and presents the lessons as they relate to the Montessor...
EDUC5375 Montessori Geometry, Fractions, andPhilosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6-9 year old child). This cour...
EDUC5376 Montessori History, Geography, andPhilosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6 - 9 year old child). The cou...
EDUC5377 Montessori Functional Geography andPhilosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6-9 year old child). The cours...
EDUC5378 Montessori Elementary Content Areas andPhilosophy The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Arts in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5 - 6 year old child) and Elementary Level I (6-9 year old child). This cour...
EDUC5380 Montessori Practicum The MET with Montessori specialization is designed for students who are seeking a Master of Education in Teaching with Montessori specialization concentrations Early Childhood (2.5-6-year-old child) and Elementary Level I (6-9-year-old child). The co...
EDUC5395 Application of Instructional MethodsPracticum This is an experimental course and is not listed in the current version of the Dallas Baptist University Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog. Experimental courses are identified by a '9' as the third digit of the course number (e.g., ENGL 2390)...
EDUC5435 Secondary Pedagogy for Mathematics WithLab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in math discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in math at his/her certification level using various teaching strategies. T...
EDUC5436 Secondary Pedagogy for English,Language Arts and Reading (elar) WithLab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in English, language arts, and reading (ELAR) discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in ELAR at his/her certification leve...
EDUC5437 Secondary Pedagogy for Natural SciencesWith Lab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in the natural sciences discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in science at his/her certification level using various tea...
EDUC5438 Secondary Pedagogy for History WithLab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in history discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in history at his/her certification level using various teaching strateg...
EDUC5439 Secondary Pedagogy for Biology WithLab The teacher candidate will explore teaching strategies within a lab environment that will engage secondary learners in biology discovery. The teacher candidate will plan lessons in biology at his/her certification level using various teaching strateg...
EDUC5608 Clinical Teaching This course provides studetns seeking teacher certification the opportunity to observe, assist, and teach in a school under the supervision of experienced teachers in accredited schools. Students will be required to (a) provide their own transportati...
EDUC6010 Defense of Degree Medt Non-Certification Because of Dallas Baptist University's quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. The defense of degree for students seeking Texas Teacher Certification is a...
EDUC6011 Defense of Degree Because of Dallas Baptist University's quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. The defense of degree is a capstone collection of signature assessments and...
EDUC6012 Defense of Degree Because of Dallas Baptist University's quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. The defense of degree is a capstone collection of signature assessments and...
EDUC6302 Research in Education A study of research techniques in education; practice in designing and implementing a research project. This course contains a field-based service-learning component.
EDUC6304 Improvement of Instruction An investigation of brain based learning research and effective teaching strategies. Students will explore research practices and pedagogical techniques that contribute to improved learning. The course will give particular emphasis on learning strate...
EDUC6305 Program Develop & Sustainability This course will apply strategies to create and lead instructional technology teams fueled by innovative work and ideas. The course will apply and analyze techniques for managing instructional technology projects and evaluating progress. Change manag...
EDUC6306 Curriculum Design and Evaluation A study of the current and classical theories of curriculum development; analysis of determinants of the curriculum; approaches to the design and systematic evaluation of curriculum.
EDUC6308 The School and Multicultural Society An examination of the distinctive purposes and functions of education in the social order. Historical and contemporary issues related to multicultural, disabled, and other special populations are emphasized and their significance for education is id...
EDUC6310 Foundations of Christian SchoolEducation A study of the philosophical and historical foundations of Christian Education. Specific topics include: public vs. Christian education, Biblical worldview, and the life of the mind, theological and vocational aspects of calling in a Christian school...
EDUC6311 Christian School Curriculum A study of curriculum examining both the practical aspects of finding, developing and using acceptable, appropriate curriculum for a Christian school and some of the philosophical concerns involved in curriculum choices. Current and classical theorie...
EDUC6313 Assessment to Improve LearningFormative Assessments and ContinuousImprovements This course will help students understand what is needed in order for a school district to have a system in place that provides quality data that will guide systemic improvement in design and delivery of the district curriculum and improved student l...
EDUC6315 Internship in Curriculum and Instruction The Curriculum and Instruction Internship is designed to allow students to engage in practical, on-the-job, supervised, and evaluated field experiences that provide the foundation for success in skills associated with curriculum planning, instruction...
EDUC6315PT Internship in Curriculum and Instruction The Curriculum and Instruction Internship is designed to allow students to engage in practical, on-the-job, supervised, and evaluated field experiences that provide the foundation for success in skills associated with curriculum planning, instruction...
EDUC6316 Digital Citizenship This course explores issues related to human behavior with technology use. The course focuses on the concept of training individuals to be responsible global citizens in a digital world through the study and application of the nine essential elements...
EDUC6318 Leading for Learning This course explores the models, management techniques, and group process of staff development and instructional coaching, including learning multiple strategies and techniques for advancing successful professional learning.
EDUC6320 Project Based Learning This course explores Project-Based Learning, a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. By...
EDUC6330 Meeting Developing Needs of Adolescents A course which provides a knowledge base on the developmental stages and current educational practices relevant to the teaching of the junior high age student and his/her particular needs.
EDUC6333 Introductory Statistics for K-12Educators Statistics is the science of conducting studies to collect, organize, summarize, present, analyze, and draw conclusions from data. Descriptive statistics consists of the collection, organization, summarization, and presentation of data. Inferential s...
EDUC6340 Practicum I The course evaluates the student's implementation of the Multisensory Structured Language approach through demonstration lessons and writing of student progress reports.
EDUC6341 Practicum II The course evaluates the student's implementation of the Multisensory Structured Language approach through demonstration lessons and writing of student progress reports.
EDUC6390 Independent Study in Education Independent Study courses are devised by, professors to permit students to explore material, not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
EDUC6391 Independent Study in Education Independent Study courses are devised by, professors to permit students to explore material, not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
EDUCELEC Education Elective A generic course used for the External Transcript Equivalency Process. If the course does not have an equivalency but will meet subject area, the ELEC is used along with the appropriate department to state the course is accepted with in the subject...