Defense of Degree
Because of Dallas Baptist University's quest for meaningful assessment of graduate candidates, a defense of degree is required in all College of Education Graduate Programs. The defense of degree is a capstone collection of signature assessments and...
Seminar in Educational Leadership
This course is designed to help students prepare for the Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES) for state principal certification. The course will focus on content and sample questions from the authorized preparation manual for the state pri...
Foundations of Instructional Leadership
Foundations of Instructional Leadership is the introductory course to the MEDEL and MEDCI degree. The course focuses on leadership principles and practices, as well as the purpose and redesign of school. There is also time spent on different theories...
Advancing Educational Leadership(AEL)/T-TESS
Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL)/T-Tess are two state-developed and regulated courses that are required by TEA before a school administrator can be certified as a T-TESS appraiser. These two courses are combined into one 3-hour class at DBU. AE...
Internship in EducationalAdministration II
The practicum/internship is designed to provide field experience in school administration. The intern is assigned to an appropriate administrator in an approved elementary or secondary school. The field experience is under the supervision of a univer...
Educational Organization andAdministration
Analysis of administrative behavior and organizational patterns; emphasis is placed upon understanding various administrative theories and philosophical concepts as they apply to school administration; basic factors and functions of administration ar...
School Law
Legal basis of education at national, state, and local levels. Major court decisions affecting organization and administration of public and private schools. Legal rights and responsibilities of school administrators and other school personnel.
Supervision of Instruction
A study of philosophical foundations, principles and practices of effective instructional supervision in public schools. Attention is given to the supervisory methods used to improve instruction at all grade levels.
The Principalship
A study of the roles and responsibilities of the principal in the administration of elementary, middle, and secondary schools. Emphasis is given to the leadership role of the principal in curriculum development, supervision and evaluation of instruct...
School Finance/Business Management
Study of roles, responsibilities, systems and procedures in school business matters. Includes budgeting, taxation, statutory programs for school support, fiscal management, business operations, management of facilities, equipment, and real property.
School Personnel Administration
Studies, practices and principles of administration with reference to recruitment, selection and promotion, and retention of school personnel. Topics include planning for personnel needs, job analysis and evaluation, job descriptions, salaries and sa...
School Public Relations
Principles underlying public relations, development of school and community understanding, cooperation through appropriate agents and agencies, and relationships of school personnel with the public.
Christian School Education Admin
An analysis of administrative behavior and organizational patterns as applicable to both Christian school and public school situations. Various administrative theories and philosophical concepts will be studied as they apply to school administration,...
Internship in Educational Administration
Practicum designed to provide field experiences in school administration. The intern is assigned to an appropriate administrator in an approved elementary or secondary school. The field experience is under the supervision of a university professor an...
Internship in Educational Administration
Practicum designed to provide field experiences in school administration. The intern is assigned to an appropriate administrator in an approved elementary or secondary school. The field experience is under the supervision of a university professor an...