Department: Counseling

Code Name Description
COUN5310 Introduction to Professional Counseling A study of professional standards, ethical guidelines, legal aspects of practice, standards of preparation for the profession, objectives of professional organizations, and the professional identity of persons providing direct counseling services. Th...
COUN5311 Ethics in Professional Counseling A study of the ethical guidelines, principles, and laws that govern the practice of counseling in a professional setting, including the examination of moral philosophy underlying ethical decision making, records management, business/family law, and t...
COUN5312 Advanced Counseling Theories andTechniques A study of the philosophical and theoretical foundations of the helping process, focusing on selected theories and techniques of counseling as applied to normal and abnormal human behavior. An integration of the Christian worldview with counseling th...
COUN5313 Group Counseling Methods An experiential study of group counseling theories and techniques. Leadership roles, stages of group development, and member responsibilities are explored. Ethical and legal issues related to group interventions are discussed. Open only to students i...
COUN5314 Lifespan Human Development An advanced study in developmental psychology with emphasis on physical, cognitive, social, emotional, sexual, personality, and spiritual development from conception to death within the context of basic theories of development, as they relate to coun...
COUN5315 Psychological Testing An introduction to psychometrics and psychological testing including the study of test reliability and validity as well as administration and interpretation of results.
COUN5316 Research Methods A study of the scientific method of social and psychological research in order to aid the student in understanding the theoretical bases of scientific research. The student will develop a working knowledge of the research methods and problems associa...
COUN5317 Counseling Culturally Diverse Clients A study of selected cultural groups, with emphasis on developing knowledge, skills, and attitudes for more effective counseling with persons from diverse backgrounds. Substantial attention is given to developing awareness of one's own values, attitud...
COUN5318 Basic Counseling Skills This course will provide the experiential foundation for all practicum and internship experiences. Students learn communication and interpersonal skills and counseling techniques of counseling under faculty supervision. Students will also examine the...
COUN6000 Comprehensive Counseling Review Students must achieve the specified score in order to receive credit (CR) for the course, and the exam may be retaken until the appropriate score is achieved. The score will be submitted to the M.A. Counseling program director. Graduation requires a...
COUN6101 Counseling Internship Continuation This course is designed for students who do not finish the 600 hours required for internship at the end of COUN 6319 Internship II. Students may enroll in COUN 6101 one additional semester in order to complete the 600 hours. A grade for COUN 6319 Int...
COUN6310 Career Counseling and LifestyleDevelopment A study of theories of vocational choice, the process of career and lifestyle decision making and sources of occupational information including use of the Internet.
COUN6311 Addictive and Compulsive Disorders An introduction to the nature of current drugs of choice and how they are being abused. A survey of the addictive and compulsive behavior patterns associated with alcohol/drug abuse, eating disorders, compulsive sexual behaviors, and compulsive gambl...
COUN6312 Psychopathology I This course involves a study of psychopathology to aid the student in understanding problems of definition and classification of abnormal human behavior; development of skill in making diagnoses; a working knowledge of the diagnostic categories in th...
COUN6313 Psychopathology II This course is a continuation of Psychopathology I, which involves a study of psychopathology to aid the student in understanding problems of definition and classification of abnormal human behavior; development of skill in making diagnoses; a workin...
COUN6314 Marriage and Family Counseling This course provides an overview of the field of family counseling. The concepts of marriage and family counseling are examined. Students will view films of family counseling sessions, explore their own family dynamics, and participate in learning ex...
COUN6315 Theological Perspective in ChristianCounseling A survey of the theological foundations of Christian counseling. An investigation of the integration of counseling and theology will include discussion of spiritual health, prayer, Scripture, sin, confession, forgiveness, and redemption, particularly...
COUN6316 Advanced Counseling Methods andCrisis Intervention An introduction to screening, identification, and resolution of situations with the potential for crisis. A study of more elaborate methods and techniques designed to differentiate and target problem areas. Includes practice counseling of simulated c...
COUN6317 Counseling Practicum This course involves supervised delivery of direct counseling services in an approved practicum setting. Students are evaluated on a wide range of personal and professional criteria which includes analysis of taped counseling sessions and seminar dis...
COUN6318 Counseling Internship I This course involves supervised delivery of direct counseling services at an approved agency or practice. Students are evaluated on a wide range of personal and professional criteria which includes analysis of taped counseling sessions and seminar di...
COUN6319 Counseling Internship II This course involves supervised delivery of direct counseling services at an approved agency or practice. Students are evaluated on a wide range of personal and professional criteria which includes analysis of taped counseling sessions and seminar di...
COUN6324 A Christian Approach to Human Sexuality An introductory course to counseling for sexual issues. Students are introduced to a Christ-centered theology of sexuality, which addresses biology and psychology, sexual development and dysfunction, client sexual issues in counseling, along with app...
COUNELEC Counseling Elective A generic course used for the External Transcript Equivalency Process. If the course does not have an equivalency but will meet the subject area, the ELEC is used along with the appropriate departmemt to state the course is accepted with in the subj...