Design I
An introduction to the vocabulary and principles of two-dimensional design: line, value, color, shape, form, and spatial devices in unified and varied organizations. Individual media exploration and creativity is encouraged through readings and desig...
Design II
An introduction to the vocabulary and principles of three-dimensional design: mass, volume, plane, line, texture, and color in unified and varied organizations. Individual media exploration and creativity is encouraged through readings and design pro...
Drawing I
Drawing I is a studio course designed to improve the student's motor drawing ability and perceptual drawing skills, explore the potentials of drawing media, and to introduce the elements of art in the context of vocabulary and the drawing experience,...
Independent Study in Fine Arts
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
Sophomore Portfolio Review
Commercial Art, Graphic Design and/or Digital Photography students are required to submit their portfolios for a sophomore review. Multiple evaluators, with field experience, will review each portfolio to discern whether or not the student is suited...
Drawing II
Drawing II is a studio course designed to improve on the student's perceptual drawing skills to further explore the potentials of drawing media with experimentation in color, to develop original conceptual skills and visual thinking in the context of...
Painting I
Painting I is a studio course exploring the potentials of painting media with emphasis on color, composition, self expression, and vocabulary. Museum field trip required. Lab fee.
Photography I
An introduction to the use of the camera and basic vocabulary. Fundamentals of exposure, development, and printing. Photographic composition, creativity, readings, and critiques are included. Students are expected to provide their own digital camera....
Basic Digital Design
Fundamentals of digital design are covered utilizing standard graphic software applications for PC and Macintosh platforms. Proven methods of effective communication through typography, layout, and design are discussed. Computer lab projects include...
Drawing III
Drawing III is a studio course in advanced drawing techniques to improve the student's drawing abilities, creativity, perceptual drawing skills, and individual expression. Lab fee. Field Trip.
Art History Survey I
Art History I presents a chronological examination of Western painting, sculpture, architecture, and related visual arts from prehistoric times to the end of the Gothic Period. This course includes films, visuals, readings, study guides, and museum v...
Art History Survey II
Art History II presents a chronological examination of painting, sculpture, architecture, and related visual arts from the early Renaissance to the present. This course includes films, visuals, readings, study guides, and museum visits.
Painting II
A further investigation of painting with emphasis on individual expression. Museum field trip required. Lab fee.
Photography II
Advanced photographic skills developed through photography projects enhanced by digital imaging software and techniques. Students will learn to apply a state-of-the-art digital graphics program and selectively modify, enhance, and combine photographs...
Media Graphics
Development of skills and concepts necessary to produce art works for use in the various media. Study and application of the basic materials, techniques, and vocabulary of the graphic and digital art field. Lab fee.
Contemporary Advertising
Advanced study of basic visual communication design including typography, layout, illustration, graphic reproduction processes, rough art, finished art, camera ready art, and digital art applied to specific design projects. Lab fee.
Web Design
Web publishing techniques are covered utilizing web-authoring software for PC and Macintosh platforms. Proven methods of effective communication through typography, layout, and design are discussed including creative uses of digital illustrations and...
Visual Communication
Skills in interpreting the visual messages viewed in print and digital media are essential in our media saturated world today. This course focuses on the development of visual literacy by helping students develop skills to critically examine the visu...
Graphic Design I
This studio course emphasizes the solving of graphic communications problems as it specifically relates to identity design in print form. Students gain a strong working knowledge of current computer art and layout applications, such as Adobe InDesign...
Graphic Design II
In this studio course graphic design students continue their in-depth study of two-dimensional design principles as they apply it to formats such as package design and annual reports. An emphasis on preparing print documents for output or reproductio...
Lettering and Typography
Students will learn to consider three major things as they design with type: the form, direct and secondary meanings, and graphic impact of a particular typeface. The subtle relationship of type and visuals in a design solution, and how type can be u...
Photography Process and Practice
This is an intermediate to advanced level photography course that will further explore the photographic processes as it relates to artistic expression and experimentation with digital photography and media. An emphasis will be placed on generating a...
Independent Study in Art
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
This is an experimental course and is not listed in the current version of the Dallas Baptist University Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog. Experimental courses are identified by a '9' as the third digit of the course number (e.g., ENGL 2390)...
Entrepreneurship in the Arts
This is an experimental course and is not listed in the current version of the Dallas Baptist University Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog. Experimental courses are identified by a '9' as the third digit of the course number (e.g., ENGL 2390)...
Independent Study in Art
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
Portfolio Research
In this course students prepare a marketable graphic design portfolio, both physical and digital, of the work they have created throughout their college career. In addition to this, an effective resume is also developed in order to prepare for future...
Internship in Art
This course is designed to give the student actual field experiences in art. Through the professional cooperation of area art agencies, museums, galleries, and studios, the student will report to a place of employment for a minimum of 30 hours per cr...
Drawing IV
Drawing IV is to provide each student with specific drawing media experiences, original problem solving in terms of drawing media, and development of theme revolving around a specific idea or image. Composition will also be stressed. Critiques. Lab f...
Painting III
Advanced creative painting. Emphasis is given to personal style and expression, content, and mastery of the media. Exploration of such issues as realism and abstraction, perception, the nature of art, and current trends in art making are encouraged....
Painting III
Advanced creative painting. Emphasis is given to personal style and expression, content, and mastery of the media. Exploration of such issues as realism and abstraction, perception, the nature of art, and current trends in art making are encouraged....
History of Graphic Design I
History of Graphic Design presents a chronological examination of western graphic design and covers each era of visual communication including early cave painting through the illuminated manuscripts, a Graphic Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution,...
Modern Art
Study of selected movements within 19th and 20th century art and culture. Field trips required to museum.
Special Topics in Art
This course will offer students an opportunity to explore a cross-section of subjects focused on art history, studio art, or design. May be repeated for credit when content changes. Grade replacement for special topics courses may only be accomplish...
Advertising Design
This course engages the service-learning aspect of the Graphic Design concentration as students utilize their skills to aid a ministry, new or existing, by creating an entire identity campaign for them over the course of a semester. The campaign will...
Color and Composition
Color and Composition is a painting course that explores the potentials of painting in acrylics with emphasis on color, composition, expression, and technique as it relates to poster painting as it has been manifested over the past two centuries. The...
Illustration I
Students in this course are introduced to the methods of illustration, old and new, through a limited survey of the history of American Illustration. Each student is required to choose an abridged classic manuscript supplied by the instructor and a t...
Illustration II
Students in this course will continue to develop the style and formulaic approach explored in Illustration I. Traditional and digital methods of illustration are all options for this course. Various forms of illustration, including black and white, e...
Special Topics in Art
This course will offer students an opportunity to explore a cross-section of subjects focused on enhancing oral, interpersonal, and nonverbal skills. The exploration of basic communication concepts and application will offer students a hands-on appro...
History of Graphic Design II
History of Graphic Design II presents a chronological examination of western graphic design and covers the modern era of visual communication from c. 1880 until present day; including Pictorial Modernism, the Bauhaus, the New York School, Corporate I...
Business of Photography
An introduction to the business of photography. A study of professional photography practices and the various avenues within which a photographer can work. Includes photography on the web and how to have an online presence that is beneficial in the p...
Fine Arts in East Asia
An overview of the visual and performing arts of East Asia. Field trips to art museums and cultural events will be required.
The Arts and the Creative Process
Analysis of the visual and performing arts including the study of art critical thinking and creativity. The study will include perception, criticism, and factors which integrate, influence, and create the arts. Field trips are required.
Studio Research
In this course, commercial and studio art students prepare a portfolio, both physical and digital, of the work created throughout their college career. In addition, an effective resume is also developed in order to prepare for future job interviews....
Independent Study in Art
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
Art History: The Greek and ItalianContribution
This is an experimental course and is not listed in the current version of the Dallas Baptist University Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog. Experimental courses are identified by a '9' as the third digit of the course number (e.g., ENGL 2390)...
Drawing and the Liberal Arts I
A study of drawing, including problems of graphic representation of form, shape, and space in relation to pictorial composition. Advanced skills and techniques will be studied, with a variety of media, techniques, and subjects being explored. Lab fee...
Painting and the Liberal Arts
A study of painting which stresses the fundamental concepts of painting with acrylics and/or oil. Students will complete nine (9) paintings of various types and formats during the semester, adequately demonstrating the use of the various elements of...
Independent Study in Art
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
Art History: The Greek and ItalianContribution
This is an experimental course and is not listed in the current version of the Dallas Baptist University Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog. Experimental courses are identified by a '9' as the third digit of the course number (e.g., ENGL 2390)...